3- Lost...

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Gemini was curled up among the lavish gardens of her home, head in her hands. She tried to take deep breaths, but that wasn't enough to quell the burning flames of her anger. She wasn't even angry at anyone or anything; it was just something that happened to her. Breathe. She told herself, breathe.
Gemini heard rustling from the bushes nearby. Libra entered into view, holding a piece of chocolate in his hands. Gemini's head snapped up. Only her siblings were able to approach her at times like this. She used to have a friend like that in middle school, but she had to transfer schools. Since the move had been so sudden, they'd never gotten the chance to establish communication with him, and hadn't heard from him since.
"You alright sis?" Libra stood anxiously over Gemini, holding out the treat in his hand. His other hand was hovering over her back, not wanting to touch her in case of provocation, but wanting to be near if she needed comfort.
"Uh huh..." Gemini took the candy and popped it in her mouth. The rich sweetness flooded her senses and she could think straight again. "Thanks Libbi!" Libra smiled warmly at her. Gemini picked herself up and walked with Libra to the back porch of their house. There, Aquarius was waiting for them, scrolling aimlessly through his phone. He looked up, acknowledging their presence. He then got up, his phone turned off, and led them into the house. Their mother, Venus, was sitting on the couch, her nose buried in a magazine. She looked up and grinned at them, gesturing to the dining room while stating,
"I made dinner! You three should go eat before it gets cold." They all nodded, Gemini holding Libra's hand. Their mother had cooked a nice salad and roast chicken, Aqua's favorite. Oh yeah! It's Aqua's birthday! Gemini gave her older brother a little smile, and he winked back at her.

Gemini was in the gardens again, sitting in a patch of lilies, thinking. She felt a light tap on her shoulder. It was Aqua, standing beside her with his head cocked and a slight smirk on his face.
"Knew I'd find you here. Are you thinking about something?"
Gemini sighed, he was on the dot, as always, "Yeah..."
"Well, what is it?"
Tears began to pool in Gemini's eyes. Was he really going to make her say it? "I miss Sagi. I really miss him!" She couldn't stop it any longer, the tears that'd pooled in her eyes now fell in a torrent of longing and loss.
"I feel so lost, Aqua! I didn't want to lose him! He was my best friend!" Aquarius was silent, pulling Gemini into a tight hug.
"We're going to a new school soon, Gem. Maybe, just maybe, you'll find him there. It's not impossible." Wait... Gemini realized. Maybe I will see him again! I have to! Another realization hit Gemini. This longing... It's not just for a friend, isn't it.
"Yeah sis?"
"I... I think I love him..." And if I find him again, I won't be so lost.

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