9- Scars

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These next two chapters (Sagittarius' and Capricorn's) are the 'revenge' sequence. The name is pretty self explanatory, and these chapters are focused evenly on their time at school and home. Enjoy!
Sagittarius was still shaken by Leo's sudden outburst towards their mother. She'd never shown so much anger! And those burned marks... He shivered at the image. Not a sight for sore eyes in the slightest. The mark he'd seen on between her shoulder blades was strange as well. It was the Leo symbol, scribed in glittering gold. When Leo had attacked Jupiter, it had glowed brightly under her shirt. He still wondered what it was and why it had appeared. Not to mention Leo's sudden gain of fire manipulation. That was really weird and completely unexpected!
Deep breaths. Sagittarius told himself. You're at school now, it's not time to freak out! He inhaled, then exhaled, and strides into the school building. Looking around, he spotted his sister Aries chatting with a few guys. He smirked, typical Aries to be talking to the opposite gender without having a mental breakdown. Leo could too, but it was usually with the kids in theater.
She immediately noticed him, "Oh! Hey Sag!" She waved at him and grinned.
"Hey sis!" Sagittarius walked over to them and nudged his sister's elbow, gently though, as to not aggravate her injuries. Or his, for that matter. Anyway... He turned his gaze to the guys she was talking to, "What's your names? Mine's Sagittarius, in case you couldn't tell." They all chuckled.
"I'm Aquarius, nice to meet you Sagittarius. These are Draco and Cygnus, two of my best mates on the basketball team." The one who'd spoken had blue hair and pale blue eyes, almost silver. He was wearing a shirt and blazer along with some light blue jeans. Draco had black hair and red eyes, wearing a baggy red sweater and black sweatpants. The last one, Cygnus, had white hair and lavender eyes, wearing a thin white dress shirt and black pants. He was also the shortest of the three. The other two that hadn't spoken waved and smiled.
"I see you've found a new crew, eh?" Sag joked. Aries scoffed with feigned offense before she burst out laughing.
"Dang it Sagi! You always get me!"
"That's revenge for making me miss my homework!" He started laughing too, the other three joining in a few moments later.
A shrill ring pierced the air. The bell.
"Well, gotta go! See you later guys!" Aries waved enthusiastically at the boys as she and Sagittarius headed to their first class together, "Let's go, yeah?"
Sagi nodded, "Yeah!"

Class had been boring, predictable, and had dragged on for hours until lunch. Well, it at least gave Sagittarius something to do, unlike home. And it's safe here, no one would dare hurt me or Aries, for fear Leo would be pissed. Which she would be. Sagittarius found himself in a part of the school he didn't recognize. Strange, I must have wandered here while I was spacing out. I need to get back somehow! Just then, he heard very quiet weeping from inside the bushes.
"I miss you! I miss you so much but I won't ever find you again! Libra says you're here! But I doubt it! Where are you? Where?" No... He thought, taken aback, it can't be! Slowly walking around the corner, he spotted a sight that both shocked him to the core and filled him with joy.
In a tiny whisper, he asked, "Gemi?" Her head perked up, rotating towards him until her silver eyes met his. He smiled, bittersweet tears filling his eyes. She shot towards him like a bullet, barrelling into him laughing and crying and just being Gemini.
"Oof!" Sagittarius grinned as Gemini slowly rolled off his stomach, "don't squish me! I yah!" She giggled, flopping down beside him and nestling her head on his shoulder. This mildly surprised Sagittarius, but what surprised him more was the fact he didn't mind or flinch away.
"Sagi..." Gemini whispered, "I'm so glad I found you! Now..." She lifted herself over him, eyes glittering silver with tears. She leaned down gently to kiss him, and he willingly complied. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around his best friend, kissing her back. Carefully, he sat up, still kissing her, and trailed his fingers down her arm. She giggled, which he took as a good sign, then broke away. They both sat there, blushing, before Gemini finally finished her sentence, "Now I'm not lost anymore..." She nuzzled his shoulder, and he let out a soft snort. Gemini further curled up into him until they were just a ball of sweetness.
He whispered in her ear, glancing at the time, "We have class soon Gemi, and I haven't eaten yet. I honestly doubt you have either..." She gave him a "mhm," eyes still closed in contentment. They fluttered open and she grabbed his hand, dragging him over to an almost empty table, at which sat Aries, to his surprise, and the three guys she'd talk to in the morning. Aquarius looked up at them and smiled.
"See, we told you he was here!"

School was finally over, and had gotten out sooner than he'd expected due to the teacher needing some kind of meeting. Leo, having no theater practice, had gone home straight after, and Aries and Sagittarius had stayed for a bit longer. Aries to chat with her friends and Sagittarius to catch up with Gemini.
Now, he'd come home after Gemini had left, Aries trailing behind him. But, as soon as he got to the door, he heard whimpers from inside the house. What? Aries and I aren't even home yet, and our dad hasn't come home for years! So- Sagittarius looked at Aries, who'd realized the same conclusion. Oh. God. No! He kicked down the door, revealing the cowering Leo in obvious shock, and their mother, Jupiter, looming over her with a red hot metal bar in her hand. Thankfully, Leo was unharmed, or so it seemed. When she lowered her hand from her shoulder as she spotted them, Sagittarius could clearly see a red mark where she'd been struck.
Anger unlike anything he'd felt before flooded through Sagittarius' psyche. Never had their mother hurt Leo, not once. Not like this! He glanced over at Aries, who was staring as well, teeth clenched. Leo back away from Jupiter as she advanced, waving the metal bar menacingly. Jupiter cackled, "Never disobey your mother!" She was about to hit Leo with the bar again, but found a flaming arrow pointed at her throat instead.
Sagittarius glared at his mother, holding a bow and arrow that flickered like flames. His eyes were shining brightly, their colors shifting and mixing until they were pools of lava. A grim expression was lit on his face, made all the more intimidating by the harsh shadows the light cast. Jupiter tried to back away, only to feel the licking of scarlet flames along her heels.
"I should get rid of you. Hurt you like you did to us." He paused, his expression softening to one of disdainful pity, "but I won't. I'll never stoop to your level, not once. And after all, you're still my mother." He motioned to a shocked Aries to lower the flames she'd conjured. She did so accordingly, though still baring her teeth at her mother.
"And though no one can or ever will see them," Sagittarius hissed at his mother, "you have the ugliest of scars..."

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