16- Mirrors Hold Memories

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Virgo could hear the soft breathing of Aries as her fingers hovered above her body. Aries' eyes were closed, and she was sprawled out on the bed, her hair tangled and the sheets pulled over her shoulders. Emerald light poured from Virgo's fingers and she closed her eyes, lowering her hands so they lightly skimmed over the blankets. Breathing deeply, an image wavered into view before her closed eyes, like it had so many times before, when she'd healed Taurus. Except this time, the image was more... Vivid, less subdued. Virgo gasped, heat spreading throughout her body. What the?

Virgo is standing in a dark room, to dim to see more than a few feet ahead of her. A mirror, glinting though no light penetrated the room's walls. Looking down, she saw pale skin and red hair, realizing she was seeing things from Aries' perspective- and feeling things too.
Anger and despair filled Virgo, and she could feel herself shaking. She wasn't usually like this, but guessed Aries was, as she was the person Virgo was seeing through. The mirror reflected lights, which Virgo soon made out to be flames, from Aries'- in this case her- hands. Tears blurred her vision, and a pain soon burned along her back. Virgo wanted to scream, to move, to do anything! But she was frozen to the spot. Then, out of her control, Virgo swung her fist at the mirror and it shattered into millions of glittering shards.

Virgo's eyes snapped open. She gasped for air, the vision still burning in her mind. This Aries... She'd gone through so much, poor thing! Lowering her hands again, she closed her eyes, bracing herself for the next onslaught.

Now, Virgo is standing apart from the scene, an invisible barrier separating the image before her from herself. Aries stood, in a ring of blazing flames, staring intensely at something Virgo couldn't see. Then she heard a girl's ring out. Aries', she assumed.
"I don't understand! Why would you do this?" She was crying, pain and fear clear in the tone of her voice.
A woman's voice snarled back, slurred and intoxicated, "I do what I want, little girl!" As Virgo saw Aries flinch away, a scream piercing the air, flames obscured the scene from view.
This time, Aries was with her siblings in a room. Presumably, it was one of their bedrooms, but Virgo couldn't be sure. They all sat, on a bed, crying bitterly. Then, their mother burst, shoving Leo out the door and locking it behind her.
Sagittarius, younger than he was now, screamed at his mother, "Please! Leave us alone!" Jupiter laughed hysterically, swinging a hand at him. It left a mark, red and throbbing. Aries clapped a hand over her mouth, tears filling her eyes. She hugged Sagittarius, both of them shrinking away from the terror in front of them. Fire once again blocked the scene from view.

Aries now stood, smiling, before Virgo, who found she could move towards her. Struck with awe, Virgo stared at Aries, who had ram's horns the colors of fire curling from her hair, which drifted in the air. Flames danced around her, illuminating her every feature. She wore a warrior's armor, glossy crimson leather. Aries smiled at Virgo, her hands opened invitingly.
"Don't be afraid!" She laughed, "Thank you, for helping me. Now, come here!" Virgo, hesitantly, walked over to Aries and held her hand. Soon, she felt the warmth of flames rush around them, and they flickered in her vision for a few moments before fading to black.

Opening her eyes again, Virgo was glad to see Aries sitting up, a shine in her scarlet eyes. Her lips were curled into a closed smile, and her legs were crossed politely.
"So..." Virgo muttered, "did it work?" Aries snorted.
"Yeah, it did. Boy was that one heck of a ride!" Virgo giggled, it was rare moments like these she enjoyed, when she could heal others like this. It was nice to see them happy again.
A person burst into the room, almost tripping from their sudden entrance.
"What locks do you use on these doors? Geez that was quick!" Aries and Virgo both laughed, Aries clutching her stomach.
"Aquarius, you need to be more careful!" He scoffed.
"Says the girl who just a few days ago faced against the biggest threat in her life! Like hell I should be more careful!" He picked Aries up in his arms, twirling her around all the while laughing joyfully. Aries giggled light heartedly, wrapping her arms around his neck. She gave him a peck on the cheek, squirming out of Hus grip.
"Aqua! You know what I meant!" Aquarius rolled his eyes at her.
"Blah, blah, blah. I don't care!" She socked him lightly in the arm, "Hey! That hurt!"
"Serves ya right, you jerk!"
"Oh, shut up!"
Virgo cleared her throat to remind them she was still there.
"Oops! Sorry Virgo!" Aries turned to Virgo, Aquarius doing the same. Capricorn then came into the room, ushering Virgo out so the other two could have some privacy.
"How did you know what happened with Aries?" Capricorn smirked, giving Virgo a look.
'Well, one, the others told me. Two, I'm a mind reader, it's not hard to figure out."
"Right..." Taurus ran up to them, her eyes downcast.
"What is it, Taur?" She sighed, fiddling her hands.
"Cancer is here... And she has something to tell you." She spoke pointedly to Capricorn, and he looked surprised. It wasn't usual for him to be talked to alone, so this was something new. Of course, by the look of it, he'd already figured out why.
"Alright, lead me to her."

What do you guys think Aries and Aquarius were doing while they had 'privacy'? I'm not going to say, but I want to hear your thoughts. Anyway, I gotta sign off. Toodles!

Sides of a MirrorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora