02. Danger

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I am having an awful night.

That's why I didn't think twice before agreeing on going out, tonight. Just like the other nights.

Sasha tugs at my arm, smiling brightly at me.

"Come on, you won't regret it! You'll forget all your problems once you get drunk!"

She's right. I know this and that's why I let her lead me towards the bar, the two other girls, her friends, already drunk behind us.

I wonder who will drive us back home tonight. That's the last sober thought I have before I suddenly find myself with a drink in my hands.

Too late for turning back, I think before I drink the whole thing without second thoughts.

I already feel better.

"Yeah!" Sasha exclaims, laughing and running a hand through her short brown hair.

I smile back, shaking my head.

Have fun, Alex. You deserve it, for once.

Yes. Yes, I do.

I deserve it. After everything that happened in the past two years, I need a break. I just need, for a night, to become someone else. To forget who Alex Pierce is, and act like my life is not a freaking mess.

Like I'm not a mess.

I know I can do that, here. Nobody knows me in this crowd of drunk people. They just want to have fun, dance, drink, and enjoy the night. I wonder if it's just natural, for them. Something they all do because they want to. Not because they need to forget.

Sasha's friends, Anne and Kim, are already gone somewhere. Although I know their names, I can barely say who is Anne and who is Kim.

I don't really care.

I accept the other drink Sasha hands me with a smile, not really caring what I'm drinking. It's strong enough.

After I'm done with it, my smile transforms into a grin and I wink at her.

"Let's dance!" I scream over the music, taking her hand in mine.

I feel good and nothing can change my mood, now.

You're Alex Pierce, but not tonight. Not completely, at least. You deserve to enjoy your night.

And that's what I do, for a while. I have no idea how long has passed. A minute? An hour? Two hours? Three?

Whatever. I just remember that I ended up with another drink in my hands, not so long ago. I'm definitely not sober but I know that the drink didn't come from Sasha. A guy in his late twenties, probably.

Don't accept any drinks coming from strangers, Alex.

The voice in my head wasn't mine, but I could tell exactly who it was. I shook my head to forget it, forget her, and I blinked the tears away, kept dancing, the drink still in my hand. But I didn't drink from it, and I still don't.

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