11. Birthday

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Friday, it's Jake's surprise party.

I finish getting ready, putting my silver earrings and a red lipstick. Tilting my head, I look at myself in the mirror. The red dress I'm wearing is cute on me.

Yep. I look cute enough, I guess.

I feel like today's gonna be a great day. I miss spending time with Elena, Jake, and everyone I didn't see for so long. I think we all need this. We need to have fun, forgetting about everything going on.

Playing with a curled strand of my hair, I walk out of the bathroom and find Enzo in the kitchen.

He's wearing a black shirt, the first two buttons unbuttoned, black jeans and black combat boots. Simple, but... hot on him. His hair is a mess as usual.

My first week living with him, in his apartment was... special. It started with me not wanting to be here at all, and me trying to ignore the feelings I shouldn't have and everything that happened between us. But I guess we did make progress. We talk more. There are no awkward silences anymore. We still don't talk about the past, but I guess it's because it is that; the past.

But I know that soon, we will. Something will happen and we will talk about stuff we don't want to. It's just meant to happen.

Enzo looks up from his phone. His eyes slowly travel down my body, and I nervously shift, not knowing why I suddenly feel so nervous under his stare.

"You look beautiful," he says sincerely, looking up to meet my eyes.

Swallowing, I smile a little. "Thank you, you too. I mean, you look... well, hot. I mean, no! You're handsome, and—"

Closing my eyes, I grumble under my breath. What the hell, Alex?

I hear him chuckle and I open one eye to see him closer to me than before. Both of my eyes fly open and I raise my head to hold his gaze.

"You think I'm hot?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Do you own a mirror?" I deadpan but automatically regret it.

He grins. "That's all I needed."

"Pfft, you don't need anything." I roll my eyes, turning to leave. "Anyway, let's go—"

His hand grabs mine and yanks me towards his body so fast I have no time to think. My chest is now pressed against his. My eyes widen and my lips part.

"I do need something," he whispers, not dropping my hand, nor stepping back.

"Okay," I say slowly, not able to think. "Me too. Like, I need food. And to watch a bunch of series on Netflix—"

"Alex." He shakes his head.

I know, I'm ruining everything.

But everything is ruined already. Right?

Finally, he drops my hand and turns around to grab his keys. I take a deep breath before he turns to face me again.

"Let's go, Princess," he declares, walking past me, leaving me shocked.


There it is, again.

We have a weird relationship. I don't know where we stand anymore, but I guess I'm okay with what we have right now.


Enzo rings the doorbell and we wait a moment before the door opens.

I frown when Jake is the one to greet us. I glance at Elena who's staying behind, a smile on her lips.

"Wasn't this supposed to be a... surprise party?" I ask, glancing between the two.

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