03. Enemy

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"Are you fucking serious?!" Elena explodes, walking back and forth in the room, her fists clenched tightly.

Enzo stays silent. I watch anxiously as Elena turns towards him again.

"You've got to be kidding me. Valdez? Goddammit!" she says, running her hands angrily through her hair.

"Sunshine, take a deep breath," Jake murmurs carefully, walking towards her.

She looks at him, narrowing her eyes.

"I killed this asshole four years ago. I thought we were over with all of this, that we were never going to hear that name again!"

Elena shakes her head, taking a deep breath this time. Jake says something in her ear, kissing her temple softly. She relaxes a little bit, then turns to look at Enzo again.

"You're telling me that Dan Valdez had relatives?" she says more calmly, frowning. "And that you killed Cole Valdez's brother?"

Enzo nods.

"Why did you?" Jake asks, turning towards him.

"Because he was about to kill Alex."

I look down, curling a strand of hair around my finger nervously. I hate how he just answered automatically, how it sounds like an evidence, that if I was in danger, he would do the most normal thing in the world. Protecting me, by killing if he needs to.

Elena walks towards me and sits on the armrest, looking at me with concern.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asks softly, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine," I reply, meeting her eyes so she believes me.

I nearly died and never thought I would see the man sitting across from me after he broke my heart, but I'm fine.

She doesn't believe me. I know it. But she nods because she's just like that and she knows exactly what I'm feeling right now.

I missed her.

"You guys must be tired," she says, looking at Enzo. "We have a room left so if you guys want—"

I'm already walking away, towards that room where I'll finally be able to sleep and forget about everything.



We all watch as Alex just walks away, eager to leave the room.

I let out a tired sigh, rubbing my eyes. This is a damn mess. With the name Valdez reappearing, we all know this is not going to be easy.

Now that I killed Cole Valdez's brother, Alex's in danger. Because I know exactly what that man was thinking when he looked at Alex.


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Not only he lost his uncle years ago, he now lost his brother. That I killed. He saw Alex with me and I'm not stupid enough to think he won't try to get revenge by going after her.

He knew my damn name. He must know even more since he's related to Dan Valdez.

Now, the hardest part is going to convince Alex that she needs protection. My protection. Because there's no fucking way I let her go like that.

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