19. Sasha

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At 9:01 AM, Jessica Wilson walks out of her apartment with a yawn, then makes her way toward her car.

Twenty minutes later, she parks in front of the mall and climbs out of the car. She looks around her for a while, her shoulders stiff, and finally walks away.

9:50 AM: Jessica Wilson walks out of the mall with nothing at all. She seems annoyed. It surprises me; I thought she'd be in there for hours, especially the day after Christmas.

I sigh and process to follow her again.

At 10:14 AM, she arrives at her apartment and gets in. She closes the curtains and...nothing else.

Running a hand through my hair, I lean against the headrest. Ever since she wrote on that bill that they're watching her, I've been keeping an eye on her. Alex wouldn't want her to be in danger, and she's innocent.

She doesn't know about what I'm doing, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her. I don't know exactly how she got in this mess in the first place, but something tells me it happened the day Alex disappeared.

Jessica was in the car with Alex when I called her. She didn't ask for any of this. She's afraid, and I feel fucking bad for that.

You let that happened, Enzo. Just like you let him take her from you.

I clench my jaw. I need to get out of here. I start my car, throw one last glance at Jessica's apartment, then drive away.

Did Alex have a good Christmas? Did she have the chance to celebrate at all? Is she okay?

I miss her.

Fuck. I'm so close to head straight to the airport. It's been too long. I can't let him think that he won, that we're doing nothing to get her back, that we lost all hope.

I know for a fact he's making sure we don't do anything. Jessica is not the only who's being watched. His fucking men are like ghosts, but the type of ghosts you see kids disguised as on Halloween, with a white sheet draped around them.

It must be so boring to them that they don't care anymore to be subtle.

I drive around for a while, not wanting to go back to my dark and cold apartment. At some point, I drive past a familiar face walking down the sidewalk and whirl my head around in surprise.

I stop the car to the side of the road and get out. My instinct tells me she might know something, and I choose to listen to it.

I put my hands into the pockets of my coat and jog toward her. "Sasha!"

Her steps falter, and she turns her head around, frowning. She blinks in surprise when she notices me.

"You..." Her voice trails of, and her eyes give me a once-over. She offers me a flirty smile. "You never gave me a call."

I stop in front of her and stare blankly. The memory of Alex helping me to wash off her number from my hand resurfaces, and I clear my throat.

"I've never had the intention to call you, Sasha. I'm sorry if you thought I did."

She's shocked by my answer, but she quickly covers her reaction with a smile. She scoffs. "I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

I don't think I've ever told her my name. "Enzo."

"Right." She readjusts the faux-fur scarf around her neck, looking disinterested by the conversation. "What can I do for you?"

"Have you seen Alex recently?"

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