14. Liar

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The whole ride to Enzo's apartment is silent.

I can't help wondering what he's thinking. After the whole mess at Jake and Elena's place, we all agreed to call it a night and keep in touch if anything else happens. Enzo only nodded and grabbed my hand, leading me to his car in silence. He looked calm, but I knew better. He was slowly losing it.

I don't understand why I'm not freaking out. I was shocked first, but not that surprised. And now that I know a psychopath want the girl—me—I feel...nothing.

For now, all I can do is stare at Enzo from my seat beside him. His hands are clutching the steering wheel so tightly they're white, but his face is relaxed. I wonder if he realizes he's about to destroy that wheel.

Calm down. He's not Hulk.

I also can't help but think about that kiss. I really have the best priorities. Man, I hate myself.

Resisting the urge to sigh, I turn my head and notice we've arrived at his place. Before I can get out, he declares, "Stay here."

With a confused expression, I watch as he gets out of the car and looks around him. Enzo finally opens my door after two minutes of looking around his block apartment. He extends his hand, and I grab it.

I think he's gonna let go of my hand, but he doesn't. We climb the stairs that lead to his apartment, and Enzo keeps a careful hand on the weapon hidden under his shirt, his face concentrated. I look around nervously, and once we stop in front of his apartment door, he releases my hand. He pauses for a moment, and I grow more anxious with the minutes ticking by and the silence surrounding us.

He opens the door. Nobody is waiting inside for us. Good thing.

I walk in first, and Enzo closes the door behind us, locking it.

"I'll check all the rooms. Then you can take a shower and get some rest," he says calmly, turning on the lights. He turns to face me. "Do you want some tea? Anything?"

It takes me a few seconds to respond. Enzo offering me to make tea makes my heart warm. Not that he never took care of me. But the fact that he's doing this so naturally...

It's like he never left.

I clear my throat. "No, I'm fine," I mumble, turning to walk away. "You should make some for yourself, though. Maybe it could calm you down..."

"Calming down when your life is at risk?" he mutters back. I turn around to see him shake his head, disappointment and anger flickering on his face. "Maybe in a hundred years."

With that, he drops his keys on the table loudly, his fists clenched, and he walks away from me. Like I said, I really freaking hate myself.

Think about your damn life, Alex.

I lean against the wall and swallow down my frustration. I need to stop acting so stupid when this situation is serious.

Enzo comes back from the bathroom, nodding once without glancing in my direction. I open my mouth to apologize, but he's already disappearing into the living room, and I walk away, telling myself I will apologize later.


With courage I don't feel, I knock on Enzo's door. I took a shower, got dressed in comfortable clothes, and waited in my room for a while, thinking he'd come and see me. He didn't.

So here I am. I stand in front of his bedroom's door and wait. A few seconds pass before I hear him say, "You can come in, Alex."

I open the door and find him lying on his bed. His room looks like most of his apartment; empty of life. The walls are white, his bed is black. There's a black desk in the corner, a closet. Nothing else.

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