21. Los Angeles

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I could never fail to recognize Alex in a crowd of people.

After landing in LA, a friend of mine from the agency, Jasper, was waiting for me. I knew I could trust him to keep his mouth shut about what I was doing. I left out a few details and made him understand that I needed some gear. I had no idea what to expect, no idea what would happen once I found Alex.

Before I left Jasper's house, he asked me if I needed backup.

I refused. Let's fucking hope I don't need some, I thought. Right. Because what could go wrong when I try to get back what was taken away from me?

It was five PM when I walked out of Jasper's house, and ten minutes later my phone beeped with a new message from Jake. A camera saw Alex outside a restaurant downtown. My heart skipped a beat. I was about to see her again. In person. Fuck. Don't screw this up, Enzo.

Jake hadn't mentioned anyone with her. Strangely enough, it didn't reassure me to know she was left alone. Something was off.

Now standing right in front of the restaurant, I unbutton my black shirt a little more and let out a breath. Why the hell am I nervous? I'm not here for a date. With a rush of adrenaline, I push the door open, carefully glancing over my shoulder. A quick look around me and my eyes find her in a heartbeat.

Jesus. She's beautiful.

Her head is tilted as she reads the menu, her red curls falling over her right shoulder. She wears a pair of black pants and a white blouse. Her mouth is painted in blood-red lipstick. Just by the way she clutches the menu in her hands and the way she swallows and blinks way too many times in a minute, I can tell she's nervous about something.

For a moment, I'm in a state of shock. She doesn't see me. Of course she doesn't. But I do, and fuck, I want to stride over to her and take her in my arms and apologize for not being here before. I want to apologize for leaving her in the first place, for letting her think I gave up on her. Because I certainly didn't. I want her to look up, to see her eyes fill with relief when she realizes that I'm here. I want her to tell me it's over, that she's coming home, that nobody is going to follow us. That she's free from whoever and whatever is holding her back from leaving this hell.

"Sir?" A voice makes me look away for the first time from Alex, and I recover quickly, putting a blank face as I glance up at the blonde-haired woman in front of me. She smiles at me. I decide to do the same; I need to sit as close as possible to Alex. I need to understand what she's doing here.

Maybe she's on a date. My fists clench, and I shake my head. Now is not the time to think so negatively.

"Do you have a reservation?" the woman asks me, trying to get my attention again.

I blink. Shit. Of course I don't. "No."

She blinks back. "Okay...Let me see what I can do for you, then."

I throw a glance toward Alex. She's still here. I don't know why I think she'll suddenly disappear.

"You're in luck," the woman announces as she comes back a minute later, "a family just canceled their reservation." Thank God. "Follow me."

The universe is definitely on my side tonight. I'm seated two tables away from Alex and have a clear view of her. She didn't see me when I walked past her, still engrossed in the menu like it was the most interesting thing ever. That confirmed my doubts; she is nervous, and she's not only here for dinner. At least, that's what I tell myself. She doesn't seem to be waiting for someone.

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