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The weekend flies by way too quickly, and the next two days after that go on like any other day of my life. I wake up, get ready, climb into Enzo's car, and he drives me in silence to the boutique.

I'm surprised he hasn't tried to protest. I thought he would tell me to stay at his apartment because of Cole Valdez, but he didn't. However, he's not leaving my side all day, his eyes always fixated on me.

If I didn't know him, I would have called the cops.

Because that's a little creepy. A few clients came to me, asking if I knew him. I forced a smile and replied that I did, but they didn't seem convinced.


I can't lie and say I'm not afraid. The more days that pass, the more I wonder when shit will go down. It's radio silence ever since Jake's birthday.

I try to prepare myself. Mentally, that is, because I don't think I can get ready physically. I'm probably too weak to defend myself against an armed psychopath.

The night at the bar was different: I was acting on adrenaline, and I had alcohol in my system. What's going to happen when I'm sober?

Not sure Mrs. Wilson will appreciate if I start coming to work drunk.

Neither will Enzo.

"The tension is so thick it's suffocating me," Jess declares, coming to stand beside me. Her curious brown eyes meet mine. "What's up with your bodyguard?"

Clearing my throat, I look down at the counter. "Nothing much."

She stays quiet for a few seconds. Then, "Right. In your language, that means 'Everything is a fucking mess.'"

I sigh. Is it that obvious? I turn to face her, and for the first time, I realize something.

She can't be seen with me. She'll be in danger.

Jessica notices my concerned expression and frowns. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I..." Swallowing, I shake my head. "Why do you think I have a bodyguard?"

She raises her eyebrows and stares at me for a moment. With a glance toward Enzo, she murmurs, "Uh, no idea. I'm not sure I want to know, now."

Jess glances at me again, her expression wary. "What's going on with you?"

"I don't want you to be involved in the mess that is my life," I say sincerely.

She blinks. "Okay, I still have no idea what the fuck is going on."

I run a hand through my hair with frustration. I can't explain her everything, especially right now when we're supposed to be working. If only we could have some time alone.

"Just be careful." Especially around me. "Watch your back."

Jess exhales slowly, nodding once. "Right. You and I need to talk sometime."

We do. I want to be honest with her, and the sooner the better. I wonder how that discussion will go.


Thursday. I'm ready for Friday.

Every single day seems longer than the one before. Enzo and I talk about everything but Valdez. If he has news about the whole situation, he tells me, but that didn't happen a lot this week.

We act casual around each other. We haven't talked once about the kiss that happened. I guess it's because that was just that: a kiss. We were both emotional and caught up in the moment, and it happened because he wanted to.

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