20. Mission

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"Get up. You're weak."

I grumble from my place on the cold ground and turn my head toward Cold. The bastard is staring down at me with a blank face, his fists tightened and not even a drop of sweat on his bare chest.

How the hell is this possible? I had gotten better the past few trainings. I could easily beat him—at least once.

Today, I'm always losing.

Am I really weak, or did he never actually use his full strength and all his tricks on me? If this is the case, I'm screwed. I can't lose anymore. I've been here for so long already, and it's time for me to do what I had in mind ever since he proposed me this crazy deal in order to save my friend's life.

That's right. Don't forget that.

Right now, it's pretty much impossible to forget with Cole's glare on me. That makes me angry, and I use that anger on him.

"Screw you. I'm not," I mutter, quickly getting up and positioning myself in front of him.

"Then prove it," he retorts, throwing his fist at my face. I see it coming and dodge.

He clenches his jaw. I smirk.

"So, what happened with Nick?" he asks as I try to make him fall to the ground.

I grit my teeth, my chest rising and falling quickly. Talking and fighting at the same time isn't that easy.

"Told you already. Everything was going just fine until Nick orders me to kill her."

"And you didn't want to?" It doesn't sound like a question. More like a statement.

I take a deep breath and step back from him. He crosses his arms over his chest, watching me. Something that surprised me when I first started to train with him was to notice that he didn't have any tattoos. I've heard about the S.N.A and the snake tattoo, but Cole doesn't have one. Maybe he thought it was smarter not to bring back that tattoo. He didn't want anyone to know the S.N.A was back—with another leader who happened to be Dan Valdez's nephew, and a new...specialty.

Cole loves drugs. I remember Enzo telling me once that he did everything, which is true. But right now, Cole is mainly focused on dealing drugs, and, well, me.

I don't know how any of this works. Besides the time I interrupted Cole and that resulted in him killing a man, I've never got involved in his shit. I've been surrounded by people doing illegal activities for five months, and yet I'm still alive and sane.

Who am I kidding? I'm going freaking crazy. Every day I wonder when shit will go down. What if I get arrested?

I shake my head to myself. Anyway. Cole only has one tattoo on his chest, some sort of Chinese symbol which I have no idea what's the significance. Weirdly enough, I don't have a thing for tattoos. Enzo doesn't have any, and—

Shit. I inhale sharply and turn my head to the side. Don't start thinking about him. He's not here. He gave up on you.


I blink and look at Cole. His eyebrows are furrowed. Right. I need to focus.

"I didn't have any reasons to," I say, scowling. "I thought I had to gain Nick's trust, not yours."

He shrugs. "Nick thinks you're not on our side."

I raise my hands in annoyance. "And you believe him because I refused to kill an innocent woman?"

"She saw you guys. She's a threat now," he states coldly, narrowing his eyes. "You didn't want to kill her because she's your friend."

"She's not my friend," I argue, meeting his glare without flinching. "Why do you suddenly believe everything Nick says?"

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