Chapter 5 - Caught Staring

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The ringer on my phone went off, playing Baby by Justin Bieber.

"I really have to change that ringtone," I grumbled into my pillow as I reached over to grab my phone from the nightstand.

The caller name read: no caller ID.

"Must be a prank call?"

At 6:30 in the morning? Really? Just pick it up anyways.

My thumb slid across the screen, answering the call. "Hello? Who is this?"

Instead of the person saying who they were, a  sadistic laugh responded.

Common, seriously? It's 6:30am and this persons laughing? Who has this much or any enthusiasm at this time of day? "I'm hanging up of you don't respond to me," I mumbled.

The laughing died down and a boy spoke. "Has it really been that long? Ouch. I thought you would at least remember my voice, love."

My eyes widened as I realized who was on the other line. My hand started shaking, barely able to hold my phone against my ear.

A couple seconds went by until I whispered, "Luke."

Even though I couldn't see his facial expressions, I already knew he was smirking. "God I love it when you say my name, even when you say it in that disgusted tone."

"How did you get my number?"

"So you're not going to ask how I am after we broke up? You don't even miss me?"

"Why would I care how you are? Let's not forget you're the one that broke up with me. That is, after you fucking used me."

The sadistic laughing continued again, making me shudder. "Wow Autumn, I'm surprised. You really did change into a heartless person. Did I mention it's really hot?"

Just hearing his voice made me want to puke. The way my name rolled off his tongue was so disgusting. Everything about this boy creeped me out.

Dear past Autumn, why did you ever date him?

"I'm ending the call right now. Don't call me ever again!" I shouted into the phone.

As I was about to press end, he managed to say something. "You're right, I did break up with you. But truth is, I want you back. I miss you."

"I will never date you again, you got that?"

"We will get back together, even if I have to hunt you down myself," Luke threatened.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest like I couldn't breathe no matter how much air was present in my bedroom.

Without saying anything else, I hung up the phone and threw it across the room. I opened all the windows in my room, inhaling the cool morning breeze.

The last window I opened faced the opposite side of the street, where Ryder lived. On the second floor of his house, the light was on. A figure was drying their short hair with a towel. Peering further out my window, I recognized who the figure was: Ryder.

And he was shirtless!

From my view, I could still see his rock-hard abs and arm muscles. His lower body was only covered with a towel. Looks like he just took a shower.

My breathing started to become uneven as I watched him walk around his room. Even with the windows open and the cold breeze blowing on me, I felt like I was in the middle of a desert, my skin burning.

I know it's creepy to stare at someone while they are half naked, but you can't blame me in this situation.

Ryder walked over to the window in his room that faced my house. He started to open it and the sudden thought of running to the corner of my room came across my mind.

Ryder leaned out his window so his upper body was out. "I know I'm hot, but you don't have to stare for that long."

My cheeks began to heat up. "I uh I," not knowing what to say, I scratched the back of my neck. "I wasn't s-staring!"

"Sure you weren't."

"I swear! I was opening my windows to get fresh air, not stare at you! Not everything's about you, you know."

He crossed his arms, forcing his biceps to enlarge. "Even from here I can see how red your cheeks are."

I forced myself look to my left at all the other houses on our street instead of at him.

When he realized I wasn't going to respond, he laughed. "Don't worry, I'll make you blush many more times. I know you like it."

I could feel my cheeks tinge a dark shade red again. "Whatever!" Closing my window, I face palmed myself. "Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why were you staring for so long?"

Oh shut it. You know the answer to that.

I sighed as I walked over to my closet, choosing what I was going to wear for school today.


I walked into English, noticing Ryder was already sitting in one of the desk. His attention was fixated out the window on the girls playing soccer outside. Earbuds were in his ears and he tapped his foot to the rhythm of the music.

Holding my notebooks close to my chest, I walked over to the desk in front of him and sat in it.

Ryder didn't bother looking forward at me, but instead watched what was going on outside. I turned to face forward as our teacher walked in.

"Good morning class, I hope you all did the homework."

I froze in place. Homework? He never said we had homework.

I looked over to the blonde boy sitting beside me. "Hey, psst," I whispered.

The boy's baby blue eyes met mine. "Yeah?"

"Sorry to bother you but what was the homework?"

He looked down at his binder and began to shuffle through it, taking out a piece of paper. "You were supposed to figure out the topics you and your partner want to do for the big project."

Face palming myself, I sighed. "Dammit. Of course we didn't do that."

"You mean just you, not we," Ryder whispered from behind me.

His hot breath fanned my neck, causing a shiver down my spine but I ignored it. I turned around to face him. "No. I mean we."

Ryder leaned back in his seat and rolled his eyes at me. "I'm not working with you."

"Why? I haven't done anything to you."

"Because I have football to get me into college."

"So? That doesn't mean you can't work with me. And actually, I should be the one not willing to work with you, considering how you drove your car into mud, splashing me. Not to mention that you did it on purpose!"

He chuckled which made me angry. "It was funny."

"Funny? Funny? That was so incredibly rude and mean! You're lucky I don't hate you."

He raised his eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Why don't you hate me?"

His question made me think deeper. Why don't I hate him?

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "Can you at least help me get a good grade in this project by participating?"

"What do I get out of this?"

Is this boy dumb?

"Are you serious? You're so fucking stupid! If you help, you get a good grade! Common figure it out!"

I felt my anger lessen and turn into fear when Ryder's eyes darkened and his facial expression turned into a frown. "Screw you, Autumn. Figure out the project yourself, I'm done."

Watching him pack his bag, I regretted what I just said. "No. Ryder I didn't mean-"

Before I could finish, Ryder had already begun to storm out of the classroom. Everyone watched him leave and I automatically felt guilty.

I shouldn't of said that.

Instead of running after him, I just sat still, not really knowing what to do at that exact moment in time.

Oh god, why did I say that?

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