Chapter 22 - Ice Cream and Dirty Thoughts

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~part of ice cream scene is inspired by Miraculous Ladybug~


Something changed between Ryder and I. He was starting to open up more about things that I didn't even know about him. I remember the night he told me I scared him because he wanted to tell me things he couldn't tell himself. What does that even mean?

Oh this boy. The way he made my brain overpool with thoughts and questions.

Another thing that has changed between us is that he's been more protective of me ever since Halloween night. He will walk close to me in the halls or if I'm talking to a guy, he will cut in and ask to speak alone but when we're alone, he just says that what he wanted to say wasn't important. I hope I didn't spill secrets to him when I was drunk on Halloween.

We got past the whole "him hating me thing" obviously or else our relationship would be far from what it is now. There isn't anything between us even though I wish there was, but I don't know how he feels about me.

Although the thought of getting to be closer than friends with Ryder sounded like heaven, it also sounded like a risky path. I remember the first day of school, thinking how unbelievably gorgeous Ryder was in the back of the classroom. Even though I thought he was hot, I never thought I would end up liking him this much.

The thought of him tourmented my mind bit by bit, day by day. Everytime I shut my eyes I would see his pretty brown ones. There's something about his that's just so addictive.

Having a mind that overthinks and a heart that over loves is a very dangerous combination and that's what I have.

Ryder made me feel things too deeply and overthink too much and for some odd reason, I liked it. Even though it's dangerous, I liked it.

During class I could feel myself aching to see him, even just look at him.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Immediately I stood up from my desk and hurried out of my math class to meet my friends in the cafeteria.

All of a sudden, I was pushed from behind. Turning around, I looked to see who pushed me and almost rolled my eyes at who it was.


"I cant believe you." she whispered harshly in my face, moving me to an empty space in the hallway.

I looked at her with confusion, "what?"

"You deleted the pictures of your arms off my phone!! I know you did don't deny it!!"

My eyes widened.

Oh shit...

"Can I explain myself please, Heather?"

She analyzed me with her angry green eyes. "Fine."

"Look. You can't take a photo of me without my permission and I shouldn't of went on your phone since it is yours but you can't blame me. I didn't want you showing people that photo, Heather. You have to understand. So you can't tell people I went onto your phone because I can say you took pictures of me. We are even."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Why should I play fair with you?"

"Because I know something about you that you don't want anyone knowing."

"You don't know anything." she responded, suprise and fear lacing her every word.

"Yeah actually I do. I know that you live in an abandoned neighboorhood in a run-down one story house alone. I know that you're not rich like you want everyone to think and–''

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