Chapter 33 - My Love, I Adore You

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You know how some people say January is like the Monday of the months: boring, lifeless, depressing and gloomy? Yeah, I kind of agree with that. But this January, for me, it's been happy. My mom has been recovering, Luke and my father went to trial and were guilty and now are in jail.

So yeah, you could say my January is going pretty good.

Since the whole traumatic event that happened at my house, the only time I went back into my house was today to pack my things and move in to the vacant bedroom on the downstairs floor of Ryder's house.

I couldn't live in my house because all I would picture as I walked through the halls would be my father abusing me and my mother getting shot. After getting a restraining order against Luke, I thought I was safe in my own house. Sadly, that wasn't true.

Everyday since the tradegy, I have visited my mom at the hospital. I'm really glad she's healing each day. I admire how strong and how much fight she puts in to her recovery.

"Watcha thinking 'bout?" Ryder asked me, noticing I dazed off, lost in my thoughts.

"Everything that happened: my mom and how glad I am that I don't have to worry about Michael or Luke anymore. I can finally take deep breaths knowing those two horrible people are officially out of my life. For good."

I closed my eyes, inhaling a deep breath as the cool wind rippled through my sun dress and long hair.

I didn't feel stressed anymore; like one wrong decision and everything in my life would crumble. I didn't feel the anxiety. I didn't feel my hands shaking from being scared because now I have full control. I am steady.

With my lovely boyfriend's arm wrapped around my waist as I rested my head on his broad shoulder, I finally felt freedom. Freedom from the people that kept me in a cage.

Smiling, I thought: so this is what it's like to be free.

I felt Ryder tense and start to shiver. "Damn it's cold," he huffed, teeth chattering. "Are you sure you're not cold? It's January and you're wearing a dress that's literally for summer."

I laughed. He was acting like such a baby. It was only 65°. "Yeah I'm good, thanks for asking."

On this somewhat-cold, somewhat-hot day, Ryder and I decided to have a picnic on a grassy area that looked over the ocean.

Ryder continued to complain at the cold weather. I hugged him, kissing him on the cheek. "You're such a baby, you know that right?"

He pouted, sticking out his lower lip. "No I'm not. It's fricken 65°, and to top that, the wind is as cold as a blizzard!"

I rolled my eyes. He over exaggerated just like a drama queen.

Unwrapping my arms from his waist, I reached infront of me for the basket of sandwiches I packed for the two of us.

"Hug me again, you were warming me up," Ryder pleaded immediately after I let go of him.

"Ok. I will. Just let me grab a sandwich. Do you want one, my over-dramatic drama queen?" I giggled, grabbing myself a turkey sandwich and Ryder a peanut butter and jelly one, since I knew he would say yes.

"You already know." Ryder took the sandwich from me and began to devour it. Wow...he was really hungry.

"Oh ya, by the way," he mumbled while munching on his sandwich. "I have a present for you when we get home.

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