Chapter 8 - Locked Out

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Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick tick.....

My hands balled into fist. The annoying clock on the wall wasn't ticking fast enough, making this detention in Ms. Tanners room even more excruciating than it already was. With the glare from Heather, the ticking clock, and the feeling of the kid behind me shoe kicking against the metal leg of my chair was enough to make me rip out my hair and scream bloody murder.

Ok I'm exaggerating a little bit, but you get what I mean.


I looked over at my phone and saw a text message from Grace.

Grace: when u get out of detention, I'm taking u to the movies, no if ands or buts, ur coming. Cya at 3:00!!

I smiled, imagining her demanding voice forcing me to go to a movie with her.

Me: thank god. Can't wait to get out of this hell hole😂

The sound of Ms. Tanner writing was a cue for me to keep typing, but instead I set my phone down just incase she happened to look up from what she was doing, see me on my phone, and make me stay an extra hour.

Slumping in my chair, I huffed when I realized I still had thirty-five minutes left.



"That was such a horrible movie, Grace." I admitted as I looked out her car window, watching trees and people walking on the sidewalks pass by in a flash. The sky was a dark blue, almost black color, the sunset ending a few minutes ago.

"No it wasn't! I liked the part about the prince and um..."

Confusion took over my brain. "Prince? What prince are you talking about?"

She turned her attention towards me and furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, there wasn't a prince?"

I held my head in my hands. "Oh my god. You fell asleep, didn't you?"

The only sound in the car was the radio until Grace started laughing.

Forcing me to go to a boring movie that she didn't even watch? Thank you Grace. Best night of my life!

She shrugged, her short blonde hair moving up and down a little as she giggled. "Oops!"

I started laughing too.

We continued to laugh together for a minute or so until she started to speak again. "'s Derek?"

My laughter died down. "Derek? What about Derek?"

She made a right turn onto my street. "Do you like him?"

"I only was able to speak to him for a couple minutes. I have no clue. Blonde hair isn't my type anymore."

The houses ahead of mine passed by slowly as she drove down my street in the dark. When she parked at my house, I looked over at Ryder's house to see him sitting on a step leading to his front door. "How come?" Grace asked me as she turned off the car, waiting for me to get out.

My attention stayed on Ryder. Even in the dark and from far away, I could still see most of his features. His sharp jawline, acne-free skin, dark chocolate hair and eyes...

"Autumn?" Grace waved a hand in front of my face, "Autumn?"

Zoning back into reality, I dropped my head to hide my pink cheeks. "huh? What?" What were we talking about again? We're we even talking? I forget.

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