Chapter 36 - It's Not What it Looks Like

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"Sad you didn't win prom king along with your girlfriend?" she laughed.

I smirked. "Seems like you were pretty pissed you didn't win prom queen, Heather."

She snarled. "I deserved it."

I laughed out loud. "Pfft. In what world?"

"Shut up," Heather demanded.

I folded my arms and raised my eyebrow at her rudeness, challenging her.

Obviously, she lost.

"I mean," she cleared her throat and smiled, "come sit. Please."

When I walked over to her and sat down, I made sure to keep distance. Who knows...she might have rabies.

"You look ravishing tonight." She batted her fake eyelashes.

Glaring at her, I got straight to the point. "Why the hell did you steal my girlfriends dress?"

"Because we all know it looks prettier on me."

Once again, in what world?

"You're a bitch, Heather. No wonder you have no real friends."

She rolled her eyes at me. "God!- why is Autumn dating you? You're so annoying."

"Actually, I'm not annoying. I just don't like you."

She bitterly laughed. "Get in line."

"Why did you want to talk? If you don't mind, I would actually like to get back in time to see my girlfriend."

"Oh really?" Heather scooted closer, making me feel uncomfortable. "You want to see her wrapping her arm around Derek, your enemy, while he wraps his hand around her tiny waist? You really want to see them smiling together while people take photos of them like paparazzi do when they see a famous couple?"

I balled my hands into fist, trying not to let Heather's words get the best of me.

Yes, it did bother me that Autumn would have to take photos with Derek while he wrapped his arm around her. Obviously it would bother me. But I can't get jealous because I know jealousy does no good to anyone.

"What if it was you and I who won. What do you think Autumn would have done then if she saw you wrapping your arm around me?" Heather asked me.

I closed my eyes to imagine Heather and I winning and taking photos.

When my imagination became vague and clouded, I closed my eyes tighter, but no matter how hard I tried to picture it, I couldn't. The only person I could ever imagine winning with would be Autumn.

I opened my eyes and looked at Heather. "That would never happen – you and I. And even if it did, I would probably not put my arms around you...unless I had to."

She nodded slowly while gazing at the blackened lake. "I see."

We stayed silent for a while; just two people enjoying the sound of the wind, lost in their own thoughts.

I looked at her. The wind rippled through her long, blonde hair. Her lips were closed tightly and her eyes were hooded with sadness. She looked so vulnerable. I've never seen this side of her.

But most of all, she looked so lonely; lonelier than a lone wolf howling under the moon.

Seeing her like this, she did remind me of a wolf: everyone fears her and her minions stay loyal to her due to their fear of her. She is so misunderstood and is really the little girl afraid of her own shadow, and not the big bad wolf that she portrays to the world.

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