Chapter 20 - Halloween

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"Do I really have to wear this," I sighed as I tried pulling the crop top a little more down so it would show less skin.

"Oh hush up," Grace silenced me, "you look good and it's the only costume I have for you."

Currently Grace is curling her blonde hair and I'm trying to adjust to this really tight and innapropriate cheerleading costume Grace lent to me. The white crop top is long-sleeve with red stripes. The skirt is high-wasited and matches the top. But it is way too short to the point where if I bend down, you can see my underwear but I demanded Grace to give me booty shorts to wear underneath.

This was out of my comfort zone and I hated it. Grace is wearing a "sexy" police officer outfit and it's even more revealing than my outfit, which is hard to get.

As I looked at Grace doing her hair and makeup, I wanted to tell her that I would rather stay home or atleast not go to a party, but the smile on her face as she was getting ready was enough to make me forget that thought. I just wanted to make her happy.

Grace put her hands on my shoulders, forcing me to sit down on the step stool. "Sit down. I'm going to do your makeup."

"Ok." I only agreed with the makeup because her makeup actually looked really good — like James Charles good.

She put foundation, red hot lipstick, mascara, light eyeshadow, and eyeliner on my face and when I looked into the mirror, let's just say I was impressed.

After she was done with my makeup, she curled my long, dark brown hair.

"Tada! You are a masterpiece!" She clapped and I looked into the mirror with shock.

"Wow you did a really good job." I admitted, admiring her work on me.

She hooked her arm with mine, pulling me out of her bathroom. "Yeah I know. Let's go because we are already late!"


As I stepped out of Grace's car, my eyes widened in admiration.

Wow this house is huge!!

Whoever this house belonged to, they must be billionaires'. The house was a three story white mansion; it basically looked the White House but more extravagant. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Every step towards the house, I remembered and could feel what happened the last time I went to the party where Luke raped me.

Remember you're doing this for Grace. This will be over faster than you know it trust yourself.

Different colored lights shined through each window of the house as loud music boomed everywhere on the block. People were practically sucking each other's faces out on the humongous lawn and driveway and I pretended to gag

The front door was open so we walked in and every inch of the house was covered with people drinking, smoking, grinding, hooking up, or jumping to the music.

"We should probably drink. You look very tense," Grace held out an alcoholic drink contained in a red cup.

Shrugging, I took the drink out of her hand and chugged half of it. "Thanks!"

We chatted for a while at the kitchen counter until someone twirled me around then kissed my hand.

"Autumn." was all the person said for me to recognize their voice, even after the alcohol.

"Derek." I acknowledged him, setting my drink on the counter.

"How are you? I haven't seen you in a while. By the way you look really beautiful in your costume, I like it."

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