Chapter 35 - Prom Queen

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AUTHORS NOTE: yikes...sorry there was a long pause from last chapter to now. I'm still in school so I don't have much free time to write (especially since finals are coming).


"That son of a bitch," Grace said after I ended the phone call with the lady who worked at the dress shop.

I itched the back of my neck and huffed in anger, but the tone in my voice was filled with worry.

"What am I going to do?! I don't have a fucking dress anymore because that slut Heather went earlier this morning and took mine! The one I put on hold so I could pick it up today!"

I knew there was something suspicious when Heather was lingering around the store waiting for us to leave. I knew it.

Grace put her hand on my shoulder to calm me down. "It's okay, Autumn. We will think of something."

I looked at her. We both sat on my bed with Finn, who was panting like crazy because the fan in my room barely worked and I was too embarrassed to ask Ryder's mom to turn on the A.C.

As I looked at Grace, I compared her to me. She was wearing a fully beaded, fitted gold gown with an off-the-shoulder bodice. Her blonde hair was curled into tiny wringlets that barely hit her shoulders. Her makeup: clear gloss, gold eyeshadow, and highlight looked perfect against her skin.

Then I looked down at my body. I was still in my pajamas because the lady at the dress shop called and said someone named Heather picked up my dress, saying she was going to deliver it to me. My hair and makeup were done so that saves me time a little bit.

But the worse part is how am I going to find another black dress, when prom is in less than two hours!!

I haven't told Ryder yet about my dilemma because he's over at his best friend Brandon's house getting ready.

"Autumn," Grace said, trying to get my attention because I was freaking out.


"Taylor texted me. I told her about the whole Heather thing, and she said she has a spare dress. She's coming over right now."

"Oh my god," I exhaled, relief washing over me. "Maybe this night won't be so bad after all."


"Well?" Taylor asked, stepping back so I could have the whole mirror to myself.

"," I whispered as I admired the dress on me. It was way prettier than the one I wanted so jokes on Heather.

The dress I wore was a light blue fitted lace gown with a V-neck bodice and tulle cape with lace appliqués.

Authors note: I know that description ^ of the dress makes absolutely no sense. That's the description from the website of the store it's from (Sherri Hill) so I just re-wrote it because I didn't know how to describe it other wise. The picture of the dress is at the bottom of the chapter.

"'re hot. Both of you," Taylor said as she wrapped her arms around us with a big smile on her face.

"Stop!" Grace hit Taylor's arm away. "You're going to mess up my hair, Tay!"

"Woah there, don't get so aggressive-''

The door bell ringed.

The three of us looked at eachother in panic.

"Hurry!" Grace screamed, bustling around the room trying to fix her dress.

Taylor started rushing too. Finn got all excited and began to chase her around the room.

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