Chapter 28 - Let Me Show You Peace

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Last night until 2:00am Ryder and I sat outside and talked about everything: our thoughts, our hopes, our fears, our dreams. Our talk was something I've never expirenced with anyone.

Ryder wanted to know many things about me. He seemed so fascinated with the way I talked as he admired my every word. No ones ever had any interest in who I am or what things I like. No one before Ryder.

Everytime I'm with him, I notice the coldness in his voice and the darkness in his eyes lessens and lessens. He has started to open up to me about many things; it's as if he trust me with all his heart.

I would say I'm glad that he shows me his soft side but actually, it scares me. It makes me want to spill all of my secrets and thoughts. It makes me want to tell him about Luke and my Father.

He makes me want to give in.

Ryder makes me want to feel freedom; freedom from myself and my miserable life. He makes me want to trust again. Trust is a very difficult thing to earn but this boy makes me want to give it to him without any hardship.

The way Ryder managed to crash into my universe and tender my soul made me feel so vulnerable.

As we sit on separate beds watching a football game on T.V, I gaze at him.

And I think to myself: I want to give this boy everything. All of me, all of the world.

"I know I'm sexy and all, but there's no need to stare at me for five minutes straight."

I rapidly blinked and turned away. Have I really been staring at him for five minutes?

"I-I was just looking out the window!" I exclaimed, trying to think of a good response.

He didn't even try to argue since all his attention was focused on the football game.

I swear, boys and their sports.

Since we went to bed so late last night, we missed the sight seeing today but I didn't mind. The whole class went back to Central Park so I'm glad Ryder and I woke up at 12:00pm.

It's now 6:00pm. The whole day we stayed in our pajamas, watched T.V, and wrote more essays to add to our presentation. We already ate dinner that we ordered from room service (again).

Ryder yawned and shut off the television. "I'm bored."

I yawned as well. "Same."

"Hey, you want to go to the pool? I know it's on the top floor but we aren't going to be one hundred and two floors up so don't worry."

"Won't we get in trouble if someone from school sees us?"

"Autumn, everyone's at that fancy restaurant until 10:00pm. Don't you remember? If we go now that means we have four hours before they get back."

A night swim did seem relaxing after all the work we composed in the past hours.

"Ok fine."

He smiled, "yay! Lets hurry up and change."'


"Maybe swimming in this weather isn't such a good idea." I recommened as I shivered violently. I have no idea why I agreed to swim at night in the cold. I mean come on, it's winter!!

"Don't be a wuss, Autumn." Ryder took of his shirt, exposing his abs.

My breath faltered so I looked down at the concrete.

"Plus there's no one here so we have the whole pool to ourselves. Bonus!"

Before I could complain any longer, Ryder ran full speed and jumped into the pool.

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