Chapter 6 - Dinner at the Becker's

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"Do you know Ryder already? Doesn't he go to your school?" My mother asked as she combed through my damp hair.

I sighed. "Yeah I know him. Sadly we have to work on a project together that will last about the whole year."

"He's very handsome, I would go for him if I were you," my mom suggested.

Disgusted, I scrunched my face. "Mom! No! He's a first class jerk. He wont even cooperate on the assignment with me and I called him an idiot in class and now he won't work with me." Sometimes I really need to think before I speak.

She stopped brushing my hair as she began to think hard about this. "Maybe tonight you should talk to him and tell him you're sorry. An apology goes a long way you know."

How is it fair that I have to apologize for calling him an idiot but he doesn't apologize for the mud incident? It just doesn't seem fair.

But maybe, just maybe, if I do this, he might be nicer to me and help me with the project.

But I gave in. "Ok. I'll try talking to him."

I looked into the mirror and saw my mother smiling. "That's a good girl," she kissed my cheek and started to walk out of my room. "Please wear something semi-nice. We need to be over for dinner in ten minutes."

"Alright," I replied as she closed my door. I went over to my closet and picked out a nice black top and a dark blue denim jeans. The thought of putting on makeup was a no go, so I put my hair up in a bun and slipped on some converse. The smell of roses fulfilled my nose as I sprayed myself with perfume.

After eight minutes of finishing up, I hurried down stairs to see my mom already waiting at the door. She looked up at me and a smiled, "you look very pretty Autumn."

Returning a smile, I thanked her as we walked out of the house and over to the Becker's house.


Ryder's mom opened the door seconds after my mom rang the doorbell. Her hair today was down, not looking as full as I thought it would be when she had it in a bun the other day. Her brown, thin hair barely reached her shoulders as she stood tall in the doorway.

Her bright red lips contorted into a pleasant smile. "Lydia and Autumn, welcome!"

My mother and Lisa hugged then she turned to hug me.

Lisa stepped aside, "please come in."

I followed after my mother and right when I walked into the house, it smelled like thanksgiving dinner. All the flooring was hard wood except the stairs, which were carpeted.

"What are we having? It smells very good in here," my mother asked as we walked through the spacious living room.

"We are having chicken, mashed patatoes, green beans, salad, and other things. I know it's not even thanksgiving but I wasn't sure what you guys would want, so I made a thanksgiving dinner because everyone likes thanksgiving food, right?"

My mother laughed and I fake laughed to make myself not seem like an annoyed teenager. Am I the only one that fake laughs when a adult tries to say something funny? Probably.

We walked into the kicthen and sat ourselves at the kitchen bar, watching Lisa continue to prepare the meal for us.

"You have a beautiful house, Lisa," my mom commented.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome. Say, uh, where is Ryder?" Ofcourse my mom had to ask.

"He's upstairs in his room." Lisa stopped stirring the mash patatoes and looked up and me, "Do you want to go and hangout with him? I'm sure he would want your company."

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