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Vinny Donovan made his way slowly to his new form room on the second morning of the autumn term. New to the school, he searched around the Art Department for a while, before finding Room Twenty-One and going inside.

A handful of students were already seated behind the desks. The form teacher, Miss Linney, had taken the register and was passing around a booklet to each student, informing them of changes to school policy made over the summer holiday.

"I'm Vin Donovan," Vin introduced himself to the teacher when he went in. "I think this is my form room."

The teacher smiled brightly at him; he decided she seemed nice. "We've been expecting you." She finished handing out the booklets to the other students, and took Vinny over to her desk. "Here's your timetable, your diary, your locker key - they're the blue ones, down the hall to the left - your lunchtime pass, and all the textbooks and exercise books your teachers have put aside for you. Write your name in them now. You need to fill out this contact sheet as well, in case we need to contact your family for any reason, and have your parents fill in their information and sign it. There's also a copy of the school contract, which you and your parents need to sign, and return to me by the end of the week."

"School contract?" Vin said blankly.

"It just lays out all the rules on uniform, behaviour, that sort of thing. Just read through it and sign it."

Vin took the stack of books and paper to an empty desk and began sorting through them. He filled out the contact sheet and slipped it into his bag for his aunt Leda to sign that evening, wrote his name in all the textbooks and exercise books, and skimmed briefly through the school contract.

He looked over his new timetable as well, pleased with his subject choices for the year.

Vincent Donovan, Form Byron13

Locker Number 45, Art Department (Blue)

8.00-8.45 - Breakfast Club, Cafeteria

8.45-9.00 - Registration - Miss Linney, Room 21, Byron13

9.00-9.45 - Period One - Ancient History, Mr Green, Room 45

9.45-10.30 - Period Two - History, Miss Robertson, Room 46

10.30-11.15 - Period Three - Human Geography, Mr Jenks, Room 31

11.15-11.30 - Break

11.30-12.15 - Period Four - Physical Geography, Mrs Quinn, Room 35

12.15-1.00 - Period Five - Digital Photography, Mr Scott, Room 17

1.00-2.00 - Lunch

2.00-2.45 - Period Six - Digital Photography, Mr Scott, Room 19

2.45-3.30 - Period Seven - English Literature, Miss Sylvester, Room 3

3.30-4.15 - Period Eight - English Language, Mrs Whitehall, Room 4

4.30-5.30 - After School Clubs

The bell rang, signalling the end of registration.

Vinny stood with the rest of the class and quickly packed his new books into his bag.

Miss Linney called one of the other students over, a tall boy with twinkling blue eyes and a ready smile. "This is Robert Mitchell. He'll take you to the humanities department, and show you around for a couple of days, until you find your feet."

"Where are you first?" Robert asked Vin, leading him down the hall to their lockers.

"Room 45, Mr Green." Vin checked his timetable.

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