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Wedding Bells

Chapter 5

"Erin! We are so glad you are back. Did you have a good time on your trip?" Clara’s words were the first thing to greet me as I walked through the front door of the shop. The largest coffee I could manage to find in my hand. I hadn’t slept. Carter was so angry last night he ended up sleeping on the couch. I tried my best to shake the feelings out of my body this morning but they seemed to take over me. He was still asleep when I left, obviously not holding up his promise to come in with me this morning.

I didn’t  blame him though. The things I had said weren’t fair. They weren't nice, and I don’t even think they were true. I didn’t remember much from last night. It was also unfair of him to ask me such questions like that when him and I were both so sleep deprived. There was no way my brain would be functioning well enough to answer a question like that.

What even was the question again?

“Yes we had so much fun,” I muttered, my eyes burning from the harshness of the bright white lights. Clara folded her arms, glancing over my face as she places another dress on a hanger.

“That’s all I get? Are you feeling okay?” She pauses for a moment finally putting the dress on the rack. Walking over to my side she places her freezing hands on my face, searching every tired inch of it. “I told you… you guys should have came home earlier,” She smirked patting my face lightly, pulling away from me.

“Yeah, our flight got in so late last night and then we had to get back to the house,” I paused… I didn’t want to mention the fight we had last night. I needed to change the conversation before anyone asked why Carter wasn’t with me this morning.

“Well where is Carter?” My mother asks, her voice like music to  my ears, my brain throbbing behind my skull.

“He wasn’t feeling good when he woke up this morning, so I told him to sleep a little longer and come in late,” I tried my best to smile, my hand flying towards my temples as I try to rub the pain away. Both physically and emotionally. I wish Carter would have understood what I meant.

“The wedding is getting so close,” Clara popped off, pointing in the directions of another rack as she quickly gives instructions to another employee named Kylie. Kylie rushes  away to fulfill whatever task she was told to do. I shook my head realizing how foggy my mind actually was.

“I know, I don’t even want to think about it right now,” Another fake smile, another slight chuckle, and another awkward comment to try and hide my true feelings. How long could I keep this up before they noticed?

I glanced at the watch on my wrist. I was impressed I even remembered to put it back on, considering I was wearing the same clothes I fell asleep in the night before. My hair was a mess, my makeup non existent, and the bags under my eyes could probably store more things than my very own. This day couldn’t go by quicker, but yet it was ticking along like it was slower than the worlds worst internet.

The doors were going to be opening soon, and the room would be flooded with girls asking questions that I was sure would frustrate me more than I could manage. If only today was one of those days I could just go hide in my office and pretend like people didn’t exist.

I took another drink of the coffee in my hand, gulping as much of it as I could manage without burning myself. The warm liquid shook me back to a somewhat manageable state before it settled into my stomach.

“What else do we have to get done before we can let people in?” I question turning to look at the line that was starting to form outside the front doors. This happened every year. Girls would go insane on the first day especially. They would push and try to force their way to the front of the line, pressing their faces against the glass to try and peek at all the amazing deals.

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