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Wedding Bells

Chapter 29

"Are you getting ready to go?" Carter asks, pulling the diaper bag off of the couch. I nod my head in response as I wrap the last piece of the swaddle around Aurora. I was getting better with this whole being a mother thing. The tricks were starting to come to me, and the simple wraps were not as difficult as they were the first day I brought her home. It was getting harder to pick outfits though, each one cuter than the last.

But somehow we still managed every day.

She was gaining weight faster than I would have liked her too. But just as quickly as she needed to be a healthy newborn baby. She was just growing up too fast and I found it more and more depressing by the minute.

"Do you know how long you are going to be gone?" Carter questions, holding my hand as I enter the kitchen. I shake my head. My mother's appointments usually didn't take as long as ours, but if he was really worried about it he could just come with us.

"No, I don't but you could always come with us, Aurora sure loves having her dad around," I hated it. Well, I didn't hate it, but at times I wish she wanted me more than she wanted him, but she was a daddy's girl for sure. There were times she would fall asleep in his arms but scream in mine for hours. She'd found the sweet spot of love for the both of us in her mind, and it sucked for me. She loved her daddy to pieces.

I shook my head trying to get the complaints out of my mind. She was perfect in every way and I wasn't upset about her loving her daddy more. Just confused cause I spent every minute with her.

"I can't gotta run some errands. Do you need anything from the store?" Carter asks, taking Aurora out of my hands while I gather a few things around the kitchen. I shook my head. We had just gone grocery shopping so there wasn't much I needed.

"What are you going to the store for?" I question, a little confused because our house was overflowing with food. Anything you could think of. In fact, we were the grocery store.

"Just need a new razor and some socks, was hoping you had something in mind so I didn't have to make a trip for just those," I shook my head, disappointed that I couldn't help him out better.

"No sorry, I mean you can always grab another pack of diapers or more clothes, there is never enough of those it feels like," I smiled trying my best to come up with something for him. Anything that would make his trip feel like less of a waste.

"I'll see what I can find,"

"Thank you," I muttered before planting a quick kiss on his lips. He grabbed Aurora's car seat helping me out the front door as I grabbed my purse and other items. He placed her in the back of my car for me, strapping her in and making sure she would be safe.

"I love you, drive safe, and bring me back a lollipop and an infant from the hospital," Carter winks leaning in the drivers' side window as I buckle my belt.

"Wait, you want another infant, like trade her in and try again or come home with two?" I teased leaning out to kiss him once again.

"Well bringing home another one wouldn't be bad, but how about you just make sure she makes it home with you. Don't let your mother steal her... or eat her up. I've heard her say some pretty damn weird things to Aurora," Carter laughs, pulling away from the car before heading back towards the garage to get his own.

I backed the car out of the driveway, pulling onto the street before putting the car in gear. Heading towards the hospital I glanced at the time. We would be a little bit early to my mother's house.

I told her I would pick her up, and she agreed. It made it easier than taking two vehicles or leaving one at her house and having to move the car seat from one to the other. I never realized how big of a pain that actually was until I had a baby of my own.

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