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Wedding Bells

Chapter 9

I lay in bed that night. Watching the ceiling as my heart races. Methodically tempting me to stay awake. I should have been asleep hours ago. I needed to do whatever I could to just ignore what was going on and allow my body to get the sleep it needed.

I couldn't get over my mother's cough though. It had shaken me to my bones. Leaving me worried and filled with so much concern that she was truly sick. I shook my head rolling over in the warm bed. The snow was falling out the window and I knew a winter wedding was what I had always dreamed of, but for some reason the more it snowed the more I found myself sinking into my despair.

I was too focused on my mother to allow myself to relax. I wasn't worried about the wedding anymore. I wasn't worried about my dress, or the photos not turning out okay. Hell I wasn't even worried about messing up my makeup. Tomorrow I'd have to make my mother promise me that she would go to the doctor. She would get her cough checked out. Only shoulders. promised me then I would be able to get married.

A few hours later the sleep finally took over my body. Rocking me into a wave of dreams before the alarm started blaring next to the bed. Today was the big day, and though I hadn't slept as well as I would have liked, I woke up ready to get the day started. I would have to hold off on my makeup for a few hours, allowing the sleep to wash away from my face.

I glanced at the clock. I was getting married early this afternoon, but first thing first I needed to talk to my mother.

I finally pull myself out of bed. Allowing my feet to plant firmly on the cold wooden floor below. Pulling the sheets back to a somewhat manageable state I left the room and head towards the kitchen. My mother was already up. She was cooking breakfast like she normally did when I stayed over. I couldn't help but smile as I stand in the doorway, watching the beautiful woman still act like she was a thirty year old woman.

"Good morning, my sweet girl." She whispered as she turned around placing the eggs on a few plates. I chuckled walking to grab the one closest to me. She swats my hand away before pointing towards the chair.

"Go sit down, I'm not ready for you yet." She smiles as she grabs a few grapes placing them on the other side of the plate while pouring me a glass of orange juice.

I waited patiently for the food. But my stomach wasn't as happy about it. A louder than I had expected growl emits from my stomach, leaving me clenching it in hopes that it would settle itself. My mother looked up from the toaster as she begins to snicker.

"Didn't get enough Chinese last night?" I shook my head ignoring her question. Everyone knew Chinese filled you up, but left you starving a few hours later. I rolled my head reaching for a few of the grapes on my plate. She swatted my hand away once again.

"You are just so handsy today," She chuckled once again sneaking me a few almonds.

"I'm the bride, I should get to do whatever I want," I teased thankfully taking the almonds and popping a few in my mouth. My mother smiled before placing  a couple pieces of toast on my plate and handing the finished breakfast to me.

"Eat up missy," She waived her finger at me like I was a child. I rolled my eyes. My thoughts of last night kept coming back to me. I needed to ask her about her cough.

"Mother..." I paused for a moment waiting for her to join me. It took her a few moments as she needed to finish her very own plate of breakfast. But she looked up at me as if she was ready for whatever question I was going to ask.

Suddenly a lump was growing in my throat. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to bring it up. I wanted her to take care of herself but I didn't want to push her towards a verdict. If she really wasn't ready, or felt like she was fine then I should leave it be, but something in the back of my mind told me I needed to get her in to see a doctor as soon as possible.

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