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Wedding Bells

Chapter 23

*One Week Later*

"Are you so excited to find out the gender?" Clara grabbed my shoulders, holding me close to her as she waits for my response. I smiled, nodding my head. I couldn't say I wasn't excited. I was growing more and more nervous for this, knowing the baby would be coming in the next few weeks. My stomach was so swollen it was growing unbearable.

I knew Clara would be the most up in my face about the gender and it would have been so hard to keep it from her, which is why I made sure I wouldn't know myself. My mother knew the gender and she was the only one. She promised to keep the secret. Planning the whole party all by herself.

Clara and I had spent the last few hours helping my mother get everything ready. Doing all the decorating as she takes care of the cake and the gender reveal box. She wouldn't tell me exactly how it was going to work, or what special trick she had planned for today.

"Yes but you should go bug Carter, since I don't know, so I can't tell you." I roll my eyes smiling as Clara rolls her shoulders, pulling them back before throwing her arms around like a child.

"Oh gosh, why won't you tell me," She whines, looking at me as if she was a toddler.

"I'm telling you!" I paused for a moment. Shaking my head as I tried to think of a way to convince her that I really didn't know. "I don't know I swear to god, my mother called Carter this morning to tell him since he isn't going to be here today, so go find him and bother him," I smiled. She rolled her eyes.

Carter was spending the day with David. He has been avoiding me since he found out this morning. My mother and him had talked for almost an hour and as soon as he found out I heard screams echoing through the house.

I cursed myself for not knowing what gender he was hoping for, all of my guesses missing the mark.

I was amazed with how quickly everything had come together. My mother with her party planning skills, had made sure there were copious amounts of food. Anything you could think of. There were alcoholic drinks for the non pregnant person, but my favorite punch hidden away just for me so I didn't feel bad.

Streamers were hung from the trees, tucked away behind the branches so you couldn't see where they started or ended. The entire back yard looked spectacular, as the hot New York sun beats down on us. She had gone big, obviously over excited for her very first grandchild. I couldn't blame her. I myself was growing more and more excited for the little bean to arrive. Holding my stomach as they kick around, watching for any sign of life in there. I wasn't sleeping very well and I knew once he was out I'd be able to catch back up before ruining my sleep cycle for the rest of my life.

Maybe that was what I feared most, was the lack of sleep I would be getting for the rest of my life.

The party would be starting soon, I could tell because my mother was in her pre party panic. The triple P we would call it. Even throughout high school she loved throwing parties like this. I remember sneaking into them, watching all the older couples drink and laugh their night away.

I wanted to be a part of them so bad. Funny how things change so much in such a little time. The more I got to know the party goers the more I realized I didn't have anything in common with any of them. They had always been my mother's wine drinking buddies, or members of her book club, people she would work with on a daily basis.

But over the years I had grown to love them, meeting their kids and making new friends with their children. Those were the ones that were here today. My mother had taken extra caution to the guest list, still inviting all of her friends, but making sure it was the ones with kids that I actually liked.

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