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Wedding Bells

Chapter 17

Carter looked so handsome as the lights from inside the house cast over him. Leaving me speechless as I stare at his cute green button eyes. A large as he could make them. He was watching me, so cautiously. Maybe he thought I was lying. Searching my face for the truth within, but I had told him the truth.

I really was pregnant.

As scared as I was for putting him in an awful spot. One where he would freak out and not listen to me. I was grateful that his mother was standing on the porch there with us. Even though she hadn't heard the news, it was like she knew something had happened.

"Oh honey, you look like you have seen a ghost," His mother smiles as she waves her hand in front of his face. He doesn't falter. Still staring at me as if I had killed a child right in front of him. I tried my best to smile, placing my hands on his shoulders to try and break him from his trance. He didn't move.

I chuckled lightly, nervously looking at his mom as she looked to me for answers.

"Come on babe, let's go in and eat. It's freezing out here," I tried to sound soothing. Finally Carter snapped out of his trance, shaking his head. He turned to his mother wrapping her up in a big warm bear hug.

"I guess everything is alright now," She chuckles once again shooting me a look of concern for her soon. I waived it off, following as she led us into the warmth of her home. Carter's childhood home. It was right next door to ours, for a few years, until my father decided to move closer to the shop. An hour drive in New York wasn't bad though.

The house was decorated with family photos, and small little trinkets of birds and different winged creatures. Carter's mother had always had a thing for those that could fly. I looked around taking in the lovely smell of pecans. I'm sure she made a pie considering that was Carter's favorite dessert. I followed him carefully trying not to overstep on my boundaries with his family.

There shouldn't have been any, they basically watched me grow up in this house, but with the bombshell Carter had just received I didn't want to startle him any further.

"Excuse me mom, I just need to talk to Erin real quick and we will be in to sit down,"

My heart dropped at the sound of Carters command. His mother nods placing another serving dish on the large dining room table.

"No worries, the pie with be a few minutes longer, but don't make us wait too long," She snickered, holding the heat pad in the air as she waived it at him. He nodded his head.

I knew she was making a pie.

Carter grabbed my arm pulling me towards the living room.

"What do you mean you are pregnant, and why do you think this was the best time to tell me?" Carter ran his hands through his hair as he kicked his foot at the ground. He was obviously nervous about this.

I didn't know how I expected him to react but so far this was better than the worst case scenarios that have been running through my head all day.

"I found out this morning, and unlike you, I don't keep secrets from one another," The words stung my own lips as they escaped and I suddenly wished I wouldn't have said them.

My lips tingle from anxiety. I wanted to just lean up and kiss him. Hopefully that would take the pain away but as I moved towards him he pulled away from me denying and sense of romance that I could provide to him.

"Erin, why didn't you tell me as soon as you found out? Did you tell anyone before me? How far along are you? What Gender? Do we know any of that? I don't really know how a pregnancy works, I wasn't ready for this." His last words threw me for a loop. He hadn't been acting too angry about it. So maybe it wasn't as bad as I had thought.

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