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Wedding Bells

Chapter 13

I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt me that Carter had left us a few days ago to go do god knows what. It made it slightly better than he came back with food. I needed him here with me. Needed the support while dealing with my mother's illness.

Carter had gone home, he needed to get some work done before he lost his job, and that was fine. My mother was going home as well, we were currently loading up her things for the trek there. She would have to take a cab, she wouldn't be able to drive for a few months. Due to the surgery on her chest.

Soon she would be starting treatment and I could see in her eyes that she was scared. She didn't want to go through this, no one does, but the fear that was building up on her face was inevitably noticeable. But we were going to be here for her. That was what she said she needed, was her family.

I sat on the chair in the waiting room, waiting for the nurse to walk her down. We had been kicked out a little earlier to give her some privacy for her and her doctor. Clara and David had gone home a little earlier this morning. They could barely stand and needed their very own good nights rest. But yet I was still here, with my eyes bulged out of my head like they were about to fall out.

Or maybe they already had, I lost all feeling hours ago. I was so tired, so hungry, I didn't even know if I was going to be capable enough to get my mother home. But I was the only one left here to do it. She needed me and I would be there for her until she didn't.

Maybe I needed her more and I needed to lean on her to make myself feel better in this moment. As selfish and horrible as that sounds. I wanted to take her everywhere, suddenly the thought of losing another person drove me crazy. I couldn't function without her, all the times I've used her for my own personal gain. Especially with the shop, oh dear god I need to fire her from the shop. I know she would never quit.

But I can't fire my own mother, she needs the money, especially now so she can pay for all of these bills. Maybe Carter and I can cover some of them, or at least try to cover some of them. I shook my head trying to gt all of the thoughts to slow down and suddenly it was silent.

It was like my brain was broken, running on complete autopilot. I needed something to help wake me back up. So I calmly stroll from the waiting room towards the coffee machine. This had become my best friend throughout the last three days. The coffee was horrible, as it burnt on the bottom of the glass. But it was the only thing that would help me survive the next few hours.

Getting myself and my mother home.

I bet she was tired as well, so exhausted from being here for what felt like years. Even though things were about to get worse, I couldn't help myself but stay hopeful for the next visit. Maybe they would realize they made a mistake and she doesn't actually have cancer.


the big 'C' word that everyone is scared of and now days, everyone gets. The word that I thought my perfectly healthy mother was strong enough to avoid. But I was wrong. It was there, infecting her beautiful soul.

What were we supposed to talk about in the car? Do we tackle the topic head on or do we dance around the bush and talk about the weather. Was there something wrong with talking about it? Was there something wrong with ignoring it?

At this moment I was glad my father was not here to see this, and I'm sure my mother agreed. This would have destroyed him. The love he shares for people was so strong, and so phenomenal that he wouldn't stand the ones he loved having something even as small as a paper cut. He wouldn't have killed himself just to make sure she could take another breath.

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