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Wedding Bells

Chapter 28

*A month Later*

"Guys look what I bring!" I shouted, bursting through the doors of the bridal shop. Faces of the customers confused as I enter with a baby carrier and a bag of presents.

Once the realization set in people started rushing towards me. It was early in the morning before too many brides were here. I'd finished with my morning feeding of Aurora and decided I would head down to the shop to see how things were going.

Clara was the first to make it to me, as she was the closest to start. She quickly grabbed the carrier out of my hands, placing it on the ground and unstrapping the now away child. She held her up in front of her wrapping her arms around the baby.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, I always wanted one of these," She whimpered looking at Aurora as she started cooing towards her. I rolled my eyes dropping the bags on the ground. My mother was next, but she snatched the baby out of Clara's hands holding her close to her chest.

"Now this is where you belong little one," She mumbled shooting a look to Clara.

"Hey, that's not fair I got here first!" Clara shouts, reaching for the baby once again, but my mother turned pulling away from her. I scoffed, before letting out a deep huff of air. Why wasn't anyone paying attention to me?

"Is this how the rest of my life is going to go? Second best to the child that I MADE?" I picked the bags back up before gathering them all into one hand. Scooping up the carrier in the other I made my way towards the stairs. I'd leave this stuff in my office til I was ready to leave.

The crowd of young woman crowding around the infant didn't even notice that I had left, and I knew Aurora was in good hands, none of them would let anything hurt a hair on her tiny little head.

The last month with her had been easier than I had expected. I'd sleep when she slept, and found myself with more sleep than I'd ever had. Just in smaller bursts. My body was growing accustomed to breast feeding every so often as well. As everything seemed to get easier with time.

I closed the door behind me before heading back down the stairs to save my precious girl from all the hungry vultures. I could hear a couple of grunts from her, as I assumed they passed her around each one fighting to keep her away from my mother.

I'd brought gifts for everyone, hoping to thank them for all the help they have been since I've had her. Taking over the shop and dealing with everything so I didn't have to worry about a thing.

It really made the transition of being a mother one of the easier things I'd done.

Carter and I had so much love for the sweet little thing he almost refused to accept a job offer that the school had given him to help teach a few of their classes.

It wasn't paying as much as we would like but it covered the bills it needed to. He was happy to be off of the computer and working with young minds once again.

It was okay, since I was making more at the shop than I ever had before. The numbers had gone up, the workers were easier to find, and everyone was able to get a raise.

Once I was finally at the bottom of the stairs, I swooped into the middle of the group of girls, grabbing my sweet child out of Kylie's arms. She stomped her foot in protest before whining.

"I just got her, it was my turn," Before she glanced up and realized it was me. She chuckled lightly rolling her eyes, "But of course you can have her back,"

"Thanks I guess," I lean down to kiss Aurora's forehead, so in love with how cute she looked all cuddled up in her wrap. Everyone else couldn't get over how adorable she was either as they tried to stare at her just a little bit longer. "Okay guys, get back to work," I mumbled trying my best to not sound too rude. I wanted my child though, I wanted to keep her to myself and they were making it pretty hard to do that. Clara and my mother hovered around and that was okay with me, but one by one each of the other girls broke away from the group.

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