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Wedding Bells

Chapter 15

*A Month Later*

I sat over the toilet once again releasing everything from my stomach. This had become common that last month, especially the last few weeks. I was throwing up almost all day, finding it hard to make it through a work shift. I'd started wearing flats to work to make it safer on my random runs to the bathroom.

Carter had worried about me the last month, but I seemed like I was just coming down with something. I thought I had the common flu, or something and I just couldn't kick it but the more time went on the more worried I was growing.

What if I myself had Cancer as well, and it just hit me faster.

I knew Evelyn wasn't my birth mother, but there was always a possibility that I would have been a carrier of it. I didn't know the history of my family. Especially on my mother's side. I never got to hear the stories from before she died.

I shook my head, trying to get those thoughts out of my mind. It was easy as I hunched forward feeling that feeling once again. I was thankful for having my hair pulled up to today. This was growing pretty common as I was getting used to throwing up so often.

"Are you okay in there?" My mother asks, her fingers rasping on the door as she waits patiently outside. I nod my head for a moment before realizing she couldn't see me.

"Yes, I'm fine, I will be out in a minute." I spit into the toilet before flushing it. Jumping up to rinse my mouth out with water before we left. I was taking my mother to her first follow up appointment. She had her first Chemo treatment about a week ago and now we were going in to see how well it was working.

She had been throwing up a little too, causing jokes to be made by Clara and Carter. My heart ached for the pain she was going through but it was ironic that we both were spending our mornings like this. I shook my head finally looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"Sorry about that," I muttered leaving the bathroom. My mother was smiling, beaming as she holds my head, giving me some comfort in her.

"Don't apologize, I think you should really talk to the doctor about what's going on, but If I had to guess I think I know," She was being sneaky and I wasn't sure why.

"What do you think it is?" I question? Waiting for her answer. I thought I had thought of everything!

"I'm not going to tell you, but let's get to the hospital so we can make sure my bits are all good," My mother said, waving her hands around her chest area. I shook my head at her, but I couldn't help but laugh at how insane she was acting.

"Your bits, seriously mother," I laughed even harder repeating it.

"Yes, now let's go, the Uber is waiting downstairs."


Even though it's been a week since we've last been here the hospital felt like a second home now. I felt like too much time was wasted inside these walls. I was living my life following my mother through these hallways to make sure she was okay and she made it to her appointments on time.

I had driven her home from chemo, driven her to and from every appointment. My mother and I were side by side in this entire journey. I knew her doctor all to well. I knew these hallways all too much.

The doctor said her treatment would take a little under a year. Probably around ten or so month for us to fully kick the cancer out of her system. After that she would be in remission and would only have to come in once a month.

"Are you nervous about this," My mother leaned in to whisper to me. If you didn't know who it was that had cancer you would think it was me. By the way I was freaking out about it and my mother was acting, I could see how people could be easily confused.

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