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Wedding Bells

Chapter 20

*6 months later*

The trees whistle in the wind, the cool spring breeze tossing their new leaves around. My heart was filled with so much joy to be here. It had been the longest last few months of my life. Dealing with all the hospital visits for my mom. But we were here, and we made it here a month sooner than we thought we would. Really when the visits starting ramping up for our sweet baby.

I placed my hand on my stomach feeling the movement of my baby, as it swirls around inside me. Their tiny little feet caressing my bladder in the most annoying way possible. I placed some pressure on the lower portion of my stomach bulge. Hoping to calm the little guy or gal down.

We had decided not to find out the gender of the baby until the baby shower in a month or so. We wanted to leave it a surprise for as long as possible but still wanted to give ourselves some time to prepare and decorate the room for the gender of the baby.

The wind blows my hair around my face as I look around the party. So happy to see so many smiling faces.

I was so proud of my mom. She was a fighter up until she didn't need to be anymore and then she kept going. Somehow the cancer had cleared up a lot quicker than we thought it was going to. Her body fighting it off as if it had all of the strength in the world to do so.

I could't be more ecstatic to hear the news and I still remember the feeling coursing through my veins when she did. Just a little over a week ago my mother got a bill of clean health. Meaning her life would go back to normal once again.

We couldn't be more proud of her in her journey. She took on so many things that I could barely keep up with her in my simple pregnancy. I found she was leaping ahead of me as if I was running a three legged race and she was standing strong on her own two feet.

I shook my head, leaning into Carter for some support. My knees aching as the baby shifts yet again. I was going to need to sit down soon, but the more I shifted the worst things got.

"Erin are you alright?" Carter asked, placing his hand on the small of my back. It was rather welcoming. His hand holding me steady. I nodded trying my best to make it seem like everything was fine. I was on the later end of being seven months pregnant. Closer to eight if you ask me.

The morning sickness had settled, thank god for that, as the first month was just the calm before the storm. Clara really stepped up to take over the shop for me while I was ill. Running it to the same standards my father would have wanted it to be.

"Is it a little strange that your mother planned this party all by herself?" Carter whispers taking my hand and leading me towards a seat. Things weren't perfect between us but they were getting better. We were working on living together trying our best to fix those habits that drove the other one wild. It might take us a little while longer to get used to things.

"Pah-lease, do you even know my mom? She had this planned before she even got diagnosed with cancer," I teased, elbowing Carter slightly. He rolls his eyes in response reminding me why I love him.

"Yeah yeah, I guess you are right, that was always like her,"

Carter rubs my back for a moment and Clara rushes up with David tugging along by her side. My heart was racing as they showed up. Carter had told me David was planning on proposing and keeping the secret from my best friend was nearly impossible for me.

I shot Carter a look, a look only he knew what meant. He nods, informing me that he had my back on keeping this a secret. In case I started to accidentally slip.

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