Chapter 6

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"Yes, it did but you don't seem afraid of me. Why is that?" I hear in my head.

"Should I? I mean there's a lot that goes on in life but should I really be scared of a 6-7 foot creature?"

"True, may I know why you called me?"

"Someone I know is in major trouble but he won't leave because the person that took him may have made him weak. I need you to get the person that took him."

"Who's the person that was taken and who took that person?"

"His name is Liam and his dad took him in the cabin. I know you don't kill adults but I really need your help, like badly."

"I'll do it but on one conduction.'

"What's the conduction?"

"I want people to believe in creepypastas, but I don't want them to look for us because they want to kill us. I'll see if I can change the other creepypasta's killing area."

"That won't be that hard to do. Also can you not kill Liam's dad just scare him to the point no one believes him."

"The only way that's..."

"That's if we have someone who's 6-7 foot. Yes, I know already got that covered. So well you, please?"

"Alright, I'll do it, but first I'm going to teleport you to the cabin. Call whoever you need to make your plan work."

Right after Slenderman said what he said. I was inside the cabin, to see Liam curled up near the fire. Walking to Liam, I see how badly he's hurt. Breathing out before picking him up, he stirred a bit until he realized that I'm not his father. I didn't really think picking him up would be so hard to walk. Liam is taller than me by a whole foot. I really hope Slenderman scares Liam's dad. I get out of the cabin with Liam still in my arms. God damn, how much does this boy weigh? I hear brushes moving and feet hitting the ground to see Liam's dad. Oh, shit.

"YOU! LET GO OF MY SON!", Liam's dad screams.

I roll my eyes. Does he really think I'm going to hand Liam over? I hope not. Before I could say anything, Liam's dad looks like he just saw a ghost. I slowly turned around to see Slenderman or is that the tall kid in the gym.

"Hello, again. Is that the boy, you were talking about?", someone asks in my head.

Yup, that's Slenderman. "Yes, this is the boy I was talking about. Why you ask?"

"Because I remember two little boys, who love to chant for me to come out. You both look like the young boys."

Liam begins to stir in my arms again and this time I can't keep him still.


Before Liam could hit the ground, Slenderman's tentacles catch him. I know Slenderman doesn't have a face but I think I saw a light blush on his faceless face.

"Slenderman, did you just blush?"

" I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure, you don't."

Liam opens his eyes. Liam as a smile on his face and when I look up I see Slenderman having a red face. Looks like we got ourselves a new ship. I wonder...

"Hello, Slenderman, you look very handsome today. I haven't seen you since Luis and I got stuck in the woods."

"Yes, well...."

"I asked him if he could help me save you. I asked him if he can scare his dad and not kill him. He was also just telling me that we remind him of two little boys that use to love chanting him to come out."

Liam's face continues to turn bright red. Wait a minute, if I remember correctly Liam's in love with Slenderman.

Two boys were in the woods lost but they didn't seem to care. One of the little boys leads the other little boy to a tree where there were notes. The second boy gets more excited because it feels an adventure coming. The two boys grab the page off the tree and they both say, "Let's see who can get the most pages!" Both boys runoff in two different directions but little did they know, they were being watched by none other a Slenderman! Slenderman teleports between both boys without them noticing. The boys meet back up to see how many pages they got which was four for each.

"We both got the same number of pages.", Liam says excitedly.

"Yup, should we chant for Slenderman, or should we just talk?", Luis asks.

"Talk!", Liam yells.

"So, who do you like, Liam?", Luis asks Liam.

"I don't like anyone, that's real.", Liam says sadly.

Luis titles his head to the side as a dog does before saying, "so like a creepypasta or like someone on a TV show?" Liam just nods his head.

"I'm in love with Slenderman. He's just so... him. People misunderstand him and it makes me mad that they can call him a monster! He is sweet, caring, will do anything to protect his family. So how is he a monster if he's just looking out for his family?", Liam says.

Luis doesn't say anything because there was something or someone behind Liam, Liam looks up at Luis because he hasn't said anything so he looks to see where Luis was looking at to see a tall man in a black suit with a black tie. The tall man doesn't have a face. Normally children would run away screaming or running away, they just sat there before Liam says," Why don't you come down here and sit with us."

Slenderman walks around Liam and sits close to him. Luis and Liam both had the same thought. "How long has he been standing there?"

"Well my children, I've been watching the both of you when you were looking for the rest of my pages.", Slenderman says in the children's minds.

"So... how did you know we were in your woods?", Liam asks Slenderman.

"I didn't until I felt a very calm aura that wasn't in the forest before. All the other creepypastas were super calm and that never happens before.'' Slenderman tells the boys.

Both the boys nod their heads before the boys could say anything, they all heard noises coming toward them. Slenderman turns invisible. Two people come out and started yelling at Luis and Liam.

"YOU TWO, SHOULDN'T BE IN SLENDERMAN WOODS! HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TELL YOU, SLENDERMAN KILLS CHILDREN LIKE YOU TWO!" Liam and Luis look at each other before running away from the two people. Both boys scream out, "SEE YOU SOMETIME SLENDERMAN!"

"We are the boys when you saw us as little boys.", I say.

Slenderman puts down Liam and slenderman turns his attention to Liam's father, but before Slenderman could do anything there behind Liam's dad was a fake Slenderman which means Maxxie found the tall kid. Liam's dad turns around saw the other slenderman and runs away while calling the police. Liam and I turn around to say thank you to Slenderman but he wasn't there. Once we walked out the woods there were police cars with a frightening father. Once the tall kid comes out of the forest, Liam's dad starts screaming.


"Put your hands up!"

The tall kid takes the mask off while raising his hands before saying, "I'm just a really tall kid, I didn't mean to scare him, really."


"He's telling the truth, really. We were playing Slenderman in person. We have proof if you need it.", Liam says.

The police officers look at each other before one of them started talking, "No, it's fine. We'll take this man to a doctor, hope you kids have fun." They put Liam's dad in one of the police cars and they all drive off. Turning back to Liam and the tall guy who's name I still don't know. I was about to ask if they wanted to sleep here for tonight but Ari's and Lucas's gangs come running out of the woods like bats out of hell. Ari comes out carrying a passed out Lucas over his shoulder. I look over at Ari, silently asking what happened he just gave me that look that pretty much says I'll tell you later. I nodded my head to tell him, I got his message. Turning back to Liam, I ask the question.

"Do you want to sleep here for tonight?"

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