Chapter 26

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"Do you think you can talk to my other kids? I have a teenage girl and then I have my 30-year-old son who is still living with us.", the mother says.

"Um... make him listen to 'The Time Is Now by Futuristic.", I tell her.

"Yo, mom when are we going home? I want to have sex with my girl.", her son says.

"Yo, get off yo' ass lil nigga,

the whole world awaits you,

success ain't gon' chase you.

First you gotta pay dues.

Honestly, I'd hate to see you in a Drive-Thru,

'Cause I know you can do what I do,

'Cause I know you were born to fly too,

look around man there's nobody like you.", I rap.

"Family strugglin',

why you ain't hustlin?

Friends doin nothin',

don't fuck with em,

shouldn't be stuck with em,

best of luck to them.

Get up, get out and get something,

hook up again.

You always procrastinatin'

that shit get me aggregated.

You wake up and act complacent,

watch videos of girls when they ass is shakin'.

Don't you want a girl in real life?

Don't you want a crib? You could fuck all night.", Ari raps next.

"I'm sorry I made you feel like that. I wasn't doing anything on purpose mom. I'll do things differently." her son says.

"Mom, can I get that really really short dress? All the other girls are wearing it.", the mother's daughter asks and says.

The mother doesn't say anything but the second she-devil does.

"Yeah, mom can she get that really really short dress? She's going to have so many friends and guys going after her."

Ari comes up behind me and whispers, "You should sing that one song that you sang when Jackie and Maxxie wanted to fit in with the popular girls." I'm surprised he still remembers that.

"Little girl, listen closely

'cause no one told me

but you deserve to know

that in this world you are not beholden.

You do not owe them

your body and your soul.

All the youth in the world will not save you from growing older

and all the truth in a girl is too precious to be stolen from her.

It's just the way it is.

And maybe it's never gonna change

but I got a mind to show my strength

and I got the right to speak my mind,

and I'm gonna pay for this.

They're gonna burn me at the stake

but I got fire in my veins. I wasn't made to fall in line.

No, I wasn't made to fall in line, no.", I sing.

"DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!", the second she-devil yells.

The mother's daughter didn't say anything for a long time but once she did, what she said shocked a lot of people including both she-devils. What's even funnier is that the mother's daughter isn't even talking to the she-devils.

"Do you go to Sunset Coast High?", she asks.

"Yes, I'm a senior this year.", I say.

"Are you, Luis? If so are you the president of the LBGT+ club, there?", she asks again.

"Yeah, I'm the president of the LBGT+ club. Why do you ask though?", I say and ask.

"Because my best friend is in the club but she's a freshman just like me. She won't tell me who she likes.", she answers.

"There's always a reason why a best friend won't tell their bestie who they like because they like the same person.", Blossom says.

Before the mother's daughter could ask another question, Blossom's grandmother speaks and she doesn't sound happy at all. We all wait for her to talk but she doesn't which isn't like her at all. Blossom opens her mouth but she couldn't get a sound out before her grandmother growls at her.


No one says a word. The silence is starting to get tensioned and it's getting tensioned fast. There's so much that wants to come out of my mouth and yet I can't. It's making me so frustrated and annoyed at myself. She just flat out yelled that fags should just die and I'm over here not being able to scream or yell at her back. She knows nothing about us so why does she hate us so much?

"Those are some strong feelings about gay people. My question is what have they done to you for you to hate all of them?", Blossom says and asks.

"I know the fags! Your grandfather was one!", Blossom's grandmother says angrily.

"That doesn't give you the right to say all fags should die! Just because your ex-husband was gay doesn't give you the right to tell the rest of the gays that they should die! No one tells you to die! So don't tell us to die!", I snap at Blossom's grandmother.

"It gives me the full right to say it!", the bitch she-devil yells.

"Did you ask him why he didn't tell you?", I asked softly.

She didn't say anything for a while which means two things, one she's finding the right words to say or two, she's going through her memories to see if she ever asked her ex-husband why he didn't tell her. The grandmother has tears coming down her eyes, without thinking I give her a hug. I was half expecting her to push me away and scream at me for touching her but instead, she hugs me back and cries harder has she mumbled something that I can't understand but I think I know what she said but to be on the safe side, I'll ask her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.", I say.

Well, I didn't ask like I thought I was going to do but either way, she's going to have to say something. She moves so there's space between us, making sure that I can hear her.

"I said, I didn't ask him why but I really want to know why he didn't just tell me in the first place.", the grandmother says.

"Don't worry grandmother, I don't like him either. He never sent cards or anything!", Blossom's sister says.

"That's not true, he did send gifts and cards. Remember when we were playing hide-n-seek, I hide in grandmothers' closet where there was a box and I opened it. I only opened the cards that had my name on it.", Blossom tells her sist

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