Chapter 34

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They turn to each other and then at their daddy before grinning and running towards their daddy. Laughing at how well Ari fell down because of their strength. Ari looks over at me and mouths, "I'm glad your back." before laughing again. A lot of people believe that he's only ever serious but in reality, that's not true. I first thought that but after knowing Maxxie for years, I started to see that it wasn't true at all. Yes, he seems all serious almost all the time. When it comes to having fun, he's not serious unless his friends are going to do something really stupid. I'm happy that I now have a family of my own without people pretending to love me and when the time comes they show their true colors without a second thought. Angel's car pulls up in the driveway, I wave to her as she's getting out of her car. The little munches stop their laughs and their eyes are focused on Angel. You can see the pain in Angel's eyes; she walks to Aubrey and August and then she bends down to their heights.

"Hey, I know you don't want to hear from me but would you allow me to apologize to you, both?", Angel asks her siblings.

They turn to each other and then nod their heads at each other before turning their heads back to their sister.

"Alright but you have to do it in front of Scott.", Aubrey says.

Angel nods at her and stands to her full height before reaching out for her siblings' hands. Aubrey was hesitant but August held her hand then he turned his head to his other sister and gave her a smile. Somehow that smile was all she needed to hold Angel's other hand. Once they're in the apartment, Lana finally decides to talk.

"Ari, I'm here because this gay fairy was getting in your car.", Lana says while pointing to me.

I really wanted to roll my eyes from her being stupid but I hold it back and wait to see if I really need to say anything to her. I may already have a feeling as to why she's here in the first place. Most people already know he's dating me but not all of them have. Seen some of them go to different schools. I'm either guessing she goes to a different school or she really doesn't give a fuck that he's dating me and will still ask him whatever she's going to ask him. Looking over at Ari, I see him not too happy with Lana. I begin walking over to Ari, seen I know how he gets, if he gets pissed too much. As I'm about to reach him, Lana decides to grab his hand so I stop walking, not wanting to sound rude and what not I keep my mouth shut.

"Baby, why are you letting a gay fairy drive your jeep?", Lana asks Ari while giving me a dirty look.

"First off, I'm not your baby and second Luis isn't a gay fairy.", Ari says taking his hand out of her hold.

I want to laugh but this isn't the time for it. I move to Ari and grab his hand so he doesn't get pissed at Lana even more. I'm really thankful that Angel took the kids in the house so they didn't have to witness what's happening outside. I look around to see if Scott is outside but he's not; I do see him through the living room window. Curious about what is going on inside, so I try to end this unwanted conversion so we can be with our kids.

"Look, Lana, Ari and I are dating and we have two little munchkins. I understand that you thought he would be dating a girl but not everyone has to date a female so please just accept the fact that he's dating a male and be happy for him.", I tell Lana while hoping that she will actually do that.

She doesn't say anything for a while so I guess that's a good sign. Just as I thought that she goes and opens her mouth.

"Look here fag, I don't know what you did to Angel but that isn't Angel. So I'm going to need to break up with Ari.", Lana tells me.

Before I could say anything Angel comes out of the house with Scott and what surprises us the most is the fact that Angel is sticking up for us.

"Lana, enough! Luis isn't breaking up with Ari. I don't care if you hate that but you're going to have to accept it. Don't you want Ari to be happy?", Angel tells Lana and asks her.

"Of course, I do! Why does it have to be with a boy though? Why not with a girl? What do you even see in him, Ari?", Lana says then asks out loud then to Ari.

Everyone turns to Ari and waits for him to speak.

"What don't you see in him?", Ari asks Lana.

"You don't actually love him do you, Ari? If you did then you wouldn't have a problem with telling me what you see in him. So who do you really like Ari? It's okay to hurt his feelings, we all know you're not gay anyways to there's nothing wrong with wanting to make the girl you like mad at you. I totally understand why you did it seen I wasn't paying you any attention.", Lana asks Ari and then says and whatnot.

Maybe she's right. I mean if someone asked me what I see in Ari, I don't think I would be hesitant to tell them what I see in him. So why is he? That can mean two things, one is that he doesn't actually love me, and the second one is that he was caught off guard with the question. If it's the first one then I know what I have to say.

"It's okay, Ari. You shouldn't have to pretend to like someone when you don't actually like even if that means that the other person has to have their feelings hurt.", I tell Ari trying to hold back my tears.

I'm okay with having to take care of the children by myself but what will I tell the kids? I hope they won't be mad at me if I tell them that their father left because he didn't actually love me as I love him. I see our children come running out of the house with smiles on their faces but they saw drop once they feel the tension. I give them a sad smile when I see that they're confused as to why we're not happy. Our baby boy looks over at Ari before asking him.

"Daddy, why is everyone not happy?"

I see Ari take a breath before going down to August's height. Aubrey moves closer to August if she suspects some bad news, and doesn't want August to feel like he's all alone. Just like Jackie pretended to do to me when we were younger. I hope she doesn't blame her brother for any of this.

"Do you see the girl with the ombre hair? Well, she thinks I like someone else and not your mommy.", Ari asks the kids and explains why they need to know what she looks like.

They both nod their heads. They see Lana smile and wave to them; neither one wave back and she drops her smile then puts on a fake smile while walking over to them. Kneeling down to their heights.

"Hi, cuties. I'll be your new mommy.", Lana tells August and Aubrey.

"YOUR NOT OUR MOMMY! Daddy, explain yourself right now!", August and Aubrey scream at Lana and then yell at Ari.

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