Chapter 25

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Honestly, I wouldn't have seen that coming especially from an older couple where that was frowned on. Angel walks up to the couple before slapping the woman. You could hear everyone's mouth drop. Anger fills my bones and without thinking I slap Angel.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!? I GET YOU HATE ME BUT YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO SLAP HER! I need you and her group to leave.", I say not so politely.

Angel raises her hand to slap me but Ari stops her. "I believe he told you to leave. He shouldn't have to repeat himself.", Ari says while throwing her arm down. You can see the love from her as she pulls Ari towards her to kiss him; I didn't want to see what happens but I couldn't look away. Ari places his hand over his mouth; Angel opens her eyes and all you can see is her trembling; Ari begins to open his mouth to yell at Angel but I stop him by pulling him away from her.

"I... you... thank you.", Angel says walking out the door.

Maybe she's not that bad... pfff, who am I kidding she's the worst of the worse just not as bad as Blossom's grandmother. Speaking of the devil, here she comes. The whole restaurant goes quiet seen most of the midnight rush are regulars so they know who the woman is. Great the she-devil is going to fire me once again. The she-devil stops right in the middle of the room.

"You boy, boys shouldn't slap girls. What's your name before I fire you?", the she-devil says and asks.

Here goes nothing, "my name is Luis, ma'am." I say politely.

"Well Luis, your fired! NEVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN!", the she-devil yells and screams at me.

I begin walking to the locker room when Blossom stops me; giving her a confused look but she's not looking at me. Blossom, I really hope you know what you're doing.

"Luis isn't fired! Just because he slapped a girl and not any kind of girl but a girl who slapped an elder! He's the most hard-working in this restaurant, I can count on him when people call out the last minute even when he's not supposed to work. If you don't like that then you can take the restaurant but I warn you now, you do that you're losing a lot of customers." Blossom tells her grandmother.

"Aww, that's sweet of you, Blossom but my mind is still the same. He's fired and this restaurant will go to your sister." the she-devil tells Blossom.

"Okay, I'll get my things.," Blossom says letting go of me.

"We quite too!", the cashiers yell out along with the cooks.

"Grandmother, when are you going to tell Blossom that I'm taking over this restaurant?", the second she-devil says walking into the restaurant.

"That depends on how many people you have for the restaurant.", the she-devil tells her other granddaughter.

"Of course, grandmother. I pay more than Blossom does, that's why her three waiters called out last minute. So, is there anyone else wanting to work for me instead of my dear old sister?", the second she-devil says than asks.

Nobody says anything. Ari gives the old couple their food and apologizes for it taking so long. I guess the second she-devil has eyes for Ari; why him? Can't it be someone else?

"And who are you, sexy?", the second she-devil asks Ari.

"Ari; I have to get the other food for the customers.", Ari says while heading to the kitchen.

"Your such a hard-worker, it's sad that you don't get paid the way you should by Blossom.", the second she-devil says moving her hands all over Ari.

"I actually don't work here. Luis needed another person to help him waitress and I've worked in a restaurant before so this is nothing new to me. I would love it if you would so kindly take your hands off me. It's bad enough that all the girls stare at me while I'm in a relationship.", Ari tells her and says to her.

"Who's the lucky girl?", the she-devil asks Ari.

"IT'S NOT A GIRL!", one of the girls from Angel's group yells.

"So, your gay?", the she-devil asks.

"No, I'm just gay for them.", Ari says.

"Maybe you should date a girl. I mean not the girls your age, of course, they won't know what to do with you.", the she-devil says while putting her hands on Ari and rubbing his arms and chest.

"He doesn't need a girl! I would love it if you would stop flirting with MY BOYFRIEND!", I snap at the she-devil.

"I'm so sorry for you. Break up with him, he can't make....", she-devil starts but it's interrupted by Ari.

"Why are you sorry for me when you don't know me? How could you know that he can't make me feel loved? You don't and that's final! Also if you don't mind we have work to finish seen their all quitting seen Blossom won't me their boss," Ari says.

"Oh, I know for a fact that... that boy can't do half of the things girls can do, let alone what I can do!", she-devil says.

"Is that a challenge?", Ari asks.

"Oh, of course, it is. Grandmother would you be so kind and pick things for the gay boy and me to do.", the she-devil asks her grandmother.

"You should...", the first she devil starts.

A baby begins crying so Blossom's sister goes over where the baby is crying and starts singing but the baby starts crying harder. Not wanting to hear the baby cry anymore, I grab him from the second she-devil and start singing the first song that comes to mind.

"Sweet love, sweet love.

Trapped in your love.

I've opened up, unsure if I can trust.

My heart and I were buried in dust.

Free me, free us.

You're all I need when I'm holding you tight,

if you walk away I will suffer tonight.

I found a man, I can trust

and boy, I believe in us.

I am terrified to love for the first time.

Can't you see that I'm bound in chains?

I finally found my way,

I am bound to you.

I am bound to you.", I sing.

The baby is fast asleep in my arms, so I quietly hand him over to his parents. The father has a gentle smile on his face while the mother just has a big ass grin on her face. I give her a nervous smile back when she gets up and hugs me. To say I'm surprised is definitely an understatement for sure.

"Our baby boy has never passed out from someone singing to him and yet he passed out just with those lyrics. So I must thank you seen he's hard to put to sleep once he's crying.", the mother tells us.

"It's no problem at all. I just couldn't keep hearing him cry when I could do something, anything to get him to stop.", I say to the mother.

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