Chapter 27

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I look at the time to see that there are ten minutes before six so I turn to look at Blossom and mouth to her that Ari and I have to go, which she responds with a nod. I ask Ari if that was his last table because it's time for us to change and head back to the place. We don't say anything to each other until we're in the jeep; I'm a little worried seen he's been so quiet but it has to deal with what happened in the restaurant, that I'm sure about.

"Does that happen often?", Ari asks me once we're on the main road.

"Not often but once in a blue moon, it happens. I try to not let it affect me.", I tell Ari without taking my eyes off the road.

After that, we don't say a word. Ari turns the radio up a bit so we're not in complete silence. Should I tell him that this is the last week I'm working in the restaurant? I know I have to think about my children so if I keep working there, there will be times where my children can witness the terrible things, I have to go through. Without realizing it, we're already back, turning the jeep off but either one of us makes a move to leave.

"Do you have a place to go? The place I have in mind isn't in my name but my parents and I know that they won't give it to me.", Ari asks and explains to me.

"Yes, but I would need to make a few calls. Oh, can you take the kids to school before you have to go to work? On the plus side, you don't have to turn in your motorcycle.", I say and tell Ari.

Ari nods his head and heads inside to get the children; I would follow but if I'm going to be on the phone and go inside, it's going to be noisy. Taking out my Lilo & Stitch phone and call my bank. After a couple of rings, someone asks the phone.

"Hello, how may I help you today?"

"Can I speak to Lawrence Armstrong, please?", I ask the person.

"May I ask who's calling?", the person on the other line asks me.

"Luis.", I say.

"I'm sorry sir but I need more than your first name.", they say.

"Luis Wilson.", I state.

"Please hold while you're being transferred.", they say.

After a few minutes, Lawrence or has he likes me to call him Larry answers the phone.

"Hello, Luis. What can I help you with?", Larry asks.

"Do you still have the money, I put in the bank for a house?", I ask.

"Of course, I do. Why, do you want me to take the money out so you can buy a house?", Larry says then asks.

"Yeah, if you don't mind. I'll probably be over a little after ten if that's alright with you.", I say and somewhat ask.

"That'll be fine seen my break isn't until twelve. You do remember where my office is, right?", Larry tells me then asks.

"Yes, I remember where your office is.", I say has I end the call.

Putting my phone back inside my pocket, I headed inside the place to walk straight into my boyfriend's back as he's taking the children to the jeep. Ari quickly turns around to see me and tells the kids to say bye to their mommy and they do as they pass me. I say bye back while making my way to the room that I first woke up to get changed into different clothes. Deciding on some business clothes seen I'll be buying a house; it's a good thing that I can fit Maxxie's clothes because I don't owe any business clothes. I see Maxxie coming out of the room she is staying in so I ask her the question.

"Maxxie, do you have any business clothes with you here?"

Maxxie thinks for a bit and then says, "no, but there at my place. I'm heading there now would you like to come with me?"

"Yes, thank you so much, you're a lifesaver.", I say while turning so we're both facing the same way.

We make our way to the front door where we see Zuri waiting for someone. She looks up from her phone and then heads to her car. I would ask but I think I already know the answer to my unasked question. I get in the back while Maxxie gets in the passenger side. Zuri is off on the road with the windows down. Damn, it's a nice day to go to the beach; maybe I can go after I'm done buying a house. Oh, that reminds me that I have to look for a house with at least 4 if not 4 then 3 and two to three bathrooms; one in the master bedroom, one in the children's rooms, and one for the spare room for guests. We get to Maxxie's and Ari's place to see their parents' car in the driveaway. Well, this morning just gets more interesting to say the least. I notice Maxxie fidgeting so I grab her hand and we both make our way into her house. I think the last time I saw Maxxie fidget like that was when she sneaks out of her place and she didn't come back home until two days later but that was like, years ago. Why is she fidgeting now? Walking in to see her parents waiting at the door, they turn and look at me than my hand holding Maxxie's before someone makes a rude sound.

"Where have you and your brother been?", Maxxie's mother asks.

"In the woods; hanging out with friends.", Maxxie says without taking her hand away.

"Does Ari have a girlfriend as we told him to get?", Maxxie's father asks Maxxie.

"Well... I actually don't know; you know how he is. Always secretive about his love life.", Maxxie says nervously.

"Luis! Do you know if he....", Maxxie's mother begins but stops once Ari comes inside.

"ARI MARCUS JONES! HOW DARE YOU IGNORE OUR CALLS!", their father yells at Ari.

"Honey, you know he won't tell you anything when you scream at him. So Ari, do you have a girlfriend like I told you to get or you would be in big trouble once I got home?", their mother says to her husband than ask Ari.

"No, but I do have a boyfriend.", Ari says.

"YOU HAVE A WHAT?!", their mother screams out.

"I said I have a boyfriend, mother.", Ari says but slowly.

"That's great son. Who's the lucky guy?", their dad says and asks.

"NOT GREAT! OUR SON CAN'T BE GAY! BEING GAY IS A SIN!", their mother yells.

"Honey, what do you think Luis is?", their dad asks his wife.

"He's just confused about what gender he likes. Right Luis?", their mother says then asks me.

"I'm sorry but I'm not confused about what gender I like. I like guys.", I say slightly hiding behind Maxxie.


"Actually honey, he didn't; he told me that he was gay and he understood why you wanted him to be in the same room as Ari but he couldn't do it so he slept in Maxxie's room. Therefore, he didn't trick you, he just didn't tell you.", their dad explains to his wife.

"How long have you been gay and I want the truth of what really happened to your family?!", their mother asks me.

Taking a deep breath, wishing there was a way to avoid this topic like a plaga but sadly there's not so here goes nothing.

"I've been gay seen I was ten. I told my family that I was gay but that didn't end well. Jackie's father left while her mother abused me to no end. I had to work at the age of ten but seen I wasn't at the illegal age to start working, so I got fired.", I tell their mother.

"Awe, Luis. I'm so sorry for the way I acted. I just... I just really want grandkids.", their mom explains to me.

"Well, then you would love the news your son as for you. I would love to stay and chat some more but I have to be on my way. Maxxie, I'm going to your room so I can get changed.", I say to their mom and then Maxxie.

Falling for my best friend's brotherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin