Chapter 21

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Angel comes charging at me so I move but I got sucker punch. Shit, that fucking hurt more is seen my stomach was already hurt; I got to be more careful if I want to destroy her. Angel goes for a punch but I easily block the punch; she goes to stand but I don't let her think what's her next move. Dashing toward her with a couple of jabs then a right hook which brings her down. Smirking as I see Angel's eyes are wide with shock but she doesn't let it stop her as she takes me and lands a few blows of her own. Ripping her from me as I get on top her and just keep on punching her until someone pulls me off of her; I try ripping myself away from them but all they do is hold tighter while hissing in pain. Immediately stop struggling knowing it's Maxxie holding me; I take deep breaths trying to calm myself so I don't try and rip out of Maxxie's arms to hurt Angel some more. When Angel's group of friends helps her up, they all turn to me and glare at me but for some reason, I wanted to bash their faces into the ground.

"Luis, your safe. Just breathe, their not your mother, I promise." Maxxie tells me.

It got harder to breathe, I fall to my knees with Maxxie's arms still holding me. I start seeing Angel and her group becomes something that they're not and it's scaring me. Hearing her voice again.

"Looks like they're all afraid of you. You're a monster! You're a freak! You should have just died in that hospital! NO ONE NEEDS YOU! NO ONE WANTS YOU!" she tells me then screams at me.

"SHUT UP! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GO AWAY!" I scream covering my ears while tears come rushing down my face.

Everything begins to disappear into the darkness where everyone that cause me harm is at. They begin screaming and throwing things at me while Harry holds me to where I can't run. The laughter begins to overtake the screams; then one single voice makes me scream for help, my dear old mother. I try so hard to keep all those memories buried deep deep down, locked away to where I can never remember those terrible times. The abuse from her, the pain from my uncle, and her friends, being starved to death. Every time Jackie leaves the house it would start. She was always smiling and got everything she wanted. I've been working seen I was ten because of my family. Flashback; I came out when I was ten, my father left so it was Jackie, our mother, and me. Jackie and our mom always smiled until I walked into the room.

"What are you still doing home?! Shouldn't you be at work!?!", our mother asks with hatred in her voice.

"I'm not feeling well and I called my boss to tell her what's going on. I came downstairs to get some soup." I say not looking at her.

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME! YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO GO TO WORK! GO TO WORK! YOU HAVE BILLS TO PAY!", our mother screams at me and then slaps me.

I look through my eyelids to see my sister smiling. I hold in the sigh so I don't get hit again so I headed back to my room and get dressed for work. Grabbing my phone while grabbing my work bag that holds my spare work clothes, I saw it's raining. I texted my boss when I got a text from August or Gus to everyone who's friends with him; saying that he's waiting outside for me seen Sally, our boss texted him asking him to take me to work seen he lives close by. I'm happy that I don't have to serve people seen I'm underage to even work in a restaurant but Sally finally gave in once she saw how fast and clean the dishes were.

"Luis, make sure you take more breaks than normal, I don't need you fainting on the job. You do know that this is your last day working right?", Sally says then asks me.

Nodding my head to show her that I understand her. This means a beating and no food when I get home. Wonderful. I bust my ass to make the most of my last day here. All my money goes to our mother and Jackie. Our father was the only one working while the mother stayed home and took care of us well that was before I came out. Wait, didn't mother say that Jackie was going over a friend's place for a sleepover? No, if that's true then I'm getting more than just a fucking beating. Just fucking great. The restaurant closes around ten and it takes about two hours to walk home from here, which means I don't get home until twelve. Hopefully, Mother will be asleep already. Sally hands me the money I made for this week and I hand her back the work uniform. Giving her a smile before heading home in the rain; I make it home but sadly the lights are on which either means mother fall asleep with the lights on or ... she's still up. I wait a couple of minutes but with me being wet and the wind blowing is making me sicker than I already feel.

"Where's my money?!", Mother asks as she's standing in the doorway.

I reach in the pocket and take out the money before she moves out of the way but I don't get far when I'm thrown back at the front door. Mother shoves a piece of paper in my face and I realize that it's the paper than Sally wrote to me on Monday telling me that this was my week of work because she was firing me. I wasn't paying attention so I got slapped.

"EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT THE FUCK THIS IS!", Mother screams at me.

"It's a notice from my boss saying that this was my last week of working because she's firing me.", I say in a little voice.

"I CAN'T FUCKING HEAR YOU! SPEAK UP!", Mother screams at me while slapping me.

"It's fucking notice! She's firing me because a ten fucking-year-old shouldn't be fucking working!" I snap at my mother.

Mother doesn't say another, she just grabs my shirt ass she drags me around the house until we get to the basement where she throws me to the wall where there's broken glass on the ground. Holding back the tears from the cuts when Mother begins beating me with a bat.


My eyes widened when I realized that I just called mother mommy. I can see the hatred and anger in her eyes. She puts the bat down, you would think she'd stop but she doesn't; she gets the whip out that has my dried up blood on it. She swings the whip, I scream has it makes contact with my back.

"STAAAAAAAH! MOAAAAAH!", I try to speak but the end of screaming in pain.

Mother's faces show pleasure from my pain has she swings harder when she breaks my shirt in the back. The whip hits my bare skin, just has my open wide and my mouth makes a blood gurgling scream. Mother laughs as she continues to whip my bareback. Scream after screams come out until she hits my scar.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" the blood gurling screams comes out over and over has she continues to whip the scar.

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