Chapter 10

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[Serena POV]

"Braixen start with FLAMETHROWER." I said, Braixen used her stick and fired a strong flamethrower. But I think it was strong only for us. Because Torterra blocked it just by the shake off his head. I was shocked that my Braixen was at such low level against Torterra.

"Braixen try again and use WILL-O-WISP." I said, Braixen again used her stick and fired a spiral of fire. Again Torterra boldness it by stomping his foot on the ground.

I was going to say another attack when Torterra released his wine and wrapped it around Braixen. He then picked her up and pulled her closer to him. "Braixen!" I cried in worry, but I saw he wasn't attacking, instead it looked like they were talking.

After sometime he returned her back to me. And I could see the sudden change in Braixen's mood. She looked sad. "Are you alright Braixen?" I asked, she looked at me sadly then hung her head down, "BRAI…." She sighed softly then silently pressed the button of the pokeball in my hand and got sucked inside.

I was shocked by her behavior and when I looked towards Torterra, he was also going away. I was left there alone and confused, after that I made my way to my destination and decided I would talk to Ash about it.

When I reached I noticed the door was locked so, I took out the 'spare key' from my bag. Yes, Ash gave me a copy of his house key. Surprising, right? Anyway, I entered and knowing no one was home, I went to the kitchen and helped myself with some water and snacks.

I sat on the couch in the living room and took out my phone. I messaged Ash, "I'm at your place now." My phone dinged in a few moments. "KK, I'll be back by 6. Got some extra work." It said, I replied it with a smiling emoji. Putting my phone aside I decided to do some homework.

It was hardly 10 minutes, that I was interrupted by the door bell. Groaning, I stood up and went other receive it. Outside was a delivery man, "Hello, is this Ash Ketchum's residence?" He asked in a confused voice, "Yeah, but he isn't at home at the moment." I replied.

"Oh, and who are you?" He asked suspiciously, "I'm Serena…. His… friend." I replied, now I was confused a little. "Really, do you know him... that well?" He asked, now I knew he was trying to figure out something. "Is that a confidential file for someone special?" I asked, he hesitated, "Depends, if you know about him." I said.

"Hmmm, I do. He's the legendary trainer." I told, his expression changed to a bit solemn, "But that's not enough. I am allowed to give this file only if I get the right password." He told, "well, I don't know the password. So maybe you'll have to come later." I replied, the man smiled at me.

"Something tells me I can trust you, so what's your name?" He gave a genuine look. "It's Serena.." I replied, he wrote something on the paper and gave me the letter. "So miss Serena, this letter is to be opened by Ash Ketchum only. Do the signature here…" he said showing me his notepad. I did the signature, and he went away giving a smile.

I took the letter in, I observed it from above. It had the name, Scott. I wonder who he is? But I feel like I've heard it somewhere, but can't remember. Anyways, I put the letter on the table and got back to work.

My work was almost complete when the door opened. I turned my head to find Ash holding some groceries. I quickly went to help him. "Hey Serena, I'm sorry I'm little late. I hope you weren't bored." He said, I replied him a smile, "no it was fine, in fact I did some homework while you were gone." "That's great, so how was your day?" He asked, "Yes, that's what I'm here for. Y'know today was my worst day. I, for the first time got detention! And do you know why? Because those girls locked me inside the toilet. They are annoyed of me being with you and threatened me to come back. They even to the point of hurting me with their Pokemon, Iris used her Dragonite to use DRAGON PULSE on me. But I was saved by Charizard." I told and suddenly Ash's expression turned dark. "Oh my God! They didn't hurt you did they?" He asked worriedly, I shook my head. "No, they couldn't, I called Charizard and he scared them away and apparently he slammed her Dragonite, and took him with him." I told, he took a sigh. "Also, your Torterra has some serious problem with me. Today he challenged me to a battle and during battle he said something to Braixen which turned her off. She isn't talking to me. Could you help somehow…" I told, "yeah, I can try. I'll even talk to Torterra if needed." He replied, "thanks, so if you please…." I said as I took her pokeball.

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