Chapter 22

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[Ash’s POV]

It has been four days since the accident and I have been discharged from the hospital. I still can’t move a lot so I use a wheelchair to move along. It was early morning and I was out with Hilbert for Pokemon training. Pikachu, Hilbert and I were sitting over Torterra’s back as moving a wheelchair is hard on a dirt path, and sitting alone is kinda awkward, so Toterra offered to give us all a ride. 

Torterra’s back was large enough for pikachu to play and climb the tree, while Hilert and I sat along the mounts. It was a totally new experience. Torterra was out of training for a few days as a Fletchling had made its nest on his tree. It’s just a matter of days the eggs would hatch and he will be back in training. He promised that he would train more if needed, but I don’t think it would make a lot of difference between him and my other Pokemon.

We reached our usual training spot, all of our Pokemon were already there sparring with each other. I had given them a schedule to train on while I was in hospital. Torterra stayed a bit far from the area to avoid much noise for the eggs. He let us down and used his vines to help me walk till the clearing. I sat under a big tree, as all the Pokemon came to me to see how I was doing. Torterra went away from the place, before everyone continued their training.

I wasn’t able to yell either so I told Hilbert when I needed to tell something to my Pokemon, he would yell at them through the blasts and explosions. I even suggested his Pokemon on what to focus and improve. They had been trained well but what they lacked were skills. Of course, I didn’t teach them all of my skills. I left the advanced ones for them to figure out. They were not accustomed to altering changes in their moves so it was quite difficult for them to catch on. 

I watched them all battle each other, when suddenly Charizard flew high up and vanished away in the clouds. “Woah! What happened to Charizard? Is this a new attack?” Hilbert asked in astonishment, while looking up in the sky.

“No, he must have heard someone’s call.” I replied, wondering who might have called. Is it Serena? Did something happen? I got worried a little but knowing Charizard, he will reach there in time.

“What do you mean?” Hilbert asked again, not knowing what kind of call.

“Well, Charizard has a very high hearing power. He can hear anyone’s call for help from about 250-300 kilometres away.” I told, his expression was that of an amazed kid.

“Wow! So, he can hear anyone calling for him from that far? How loud does one have to yell?” 

“Yeah, he can hear loud and clear from that distance. You just have to shout loud enough, and you know when you are in danger you won’t care about anyone’s ears so it comes out naturally louder.”

“I guess so.” He laughed, before looking up again. “So where do you think he might have gone?”

“No idea. It can be anyone.”

“It’s impressive how he suddenly reacted and flew away towards the location.”

By this time Pikachu who was sparring with Charizard came to me. “He has gone to the Charicific Valley.” He told us. When I heard him I was shocked.

“What?! Charicific Valley??! Are you serious??” I asked with shock. He can’t be serious, that’s too far from here.

“What happened? What is Charicific Valley? Is it where he went?” Hilbert asked me, totally confused of mine and Pikachu’s conversation.

“Charicific Valley is a Valley where all Charizards live and train. It’s in the Kanto region.” I told him, I honestly can’t believe he is gone to Kanto right now. And if he really did, it must be really important for not sparing a moment to even tell me.

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