Chapter 11

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[Serena POV]

It almost time for Ash to arrive and here I am, running around the house like an aipom, making sure everything is in its place. Just as I thought everything was done, I saw that the carpet was turned at the corner.

"Oh no, what if anyone's foot gets stuck in this and fell down? What if my foot got stuck and I fell?" I thought, as I ran my mind to think of something to make it better, "maybe if I push this couch a bit so that it can cover it up." I thought as I prepared to push it. I placed both of my hands on the side of the couch and applied a lot of force.

Well, turns out it wasn't enough because the couch didn't move an inch. "Maybe I should leave it as it is…" I sighed and flopped down on the couch, tired as hell. Just then my mom entered the living room.

"I see you are being too productive today .. did you invite someone?" She asked as she sat down on the other end sipping her tea.

"Yeah, a friend of mine is coming over to work on our project." I replied, "hmmm, so this boy must very special if he can make you work so hard…" she said as she took another sip. "Yeah, I actually.. wait- how do you know he is a boy. I never told you." I asked confused and flushed for what I was about to say.

"Well, it's obvious that you would never be so self-conscious about the looks of your house if the person wasn't someone of your interest." She spoke calmly, but her words made my face turn fifty shades of red. "Mom! It's nothing like that. It's just I've invited a boy for the first time." I replied, completely flushed at my mom's comment.

"Okay, if you say, but I think you should wash up. Maybe you forgot look at yourself.." she said then turned to the TV. I on the other hand was confused, but my confusion turned into embarrassment when I looked down. Sure enough my condition wasn't good, I was sweating, my clothes were dirty from all that cleaning, and I'm pretty sure my hair wasn't much better too. So I did what any other girl would do.

A race to the bathroom.

--- 25 minutes later ---

I had washed up and changed my clothes and most importantly did my hair. I heard the doorbell ring when I was in the bathroom, so I guess he's waiting downstairs.

I made my way down to the living room. I heard some talks as I was walking and when I reached there I saw my mom talking to him. Pikachu was nibbling on a cookie, which my mom had placed there for them.

"Hey!" I said capturing the attention of everyone, "hey Serena!" Ash spoke, "pika-pi!" Pikachu greeted too. "I should get going you guys enjoy yourself." My mom said as she stood up, when she was passing by, she whispered, "took you long enough, you know it's bad to make someone wait. Also when someone is so cute." She walked off, leaving me embarrassed.

Sometimes, I wish my mom was not so teasing. "So… shall we get started?" Ash asked. "Yeah, I'll just get the art materials…" I replied, "okay, then I'll arrange the files." He Said, I walked back to my room to get the art kit and other supplies. After getting them I walked down.

But, because of so many things in my hand I could not see my path clearly, and my foot got stuck on that turned corner of the carpet, and there I was falling on to the floor with all the things in my hand. But somehow it didn't happen, my fall was saved by someone. And turns out it was Ash obviously.

"You okay?" He asked concerned, I was too embarrassed to say anything, I just nodded my head furiously. "Good.." he sighed and we both sat down.

We spent the next few hours working on the project. We were so busy we lost track of time, it was my mom who reminded us. My mom had prepared dinner for everyone. While having dinner my mom started a conversation to ash.

"So, Ash… where do live?" She asked, for I don't know what reason, I wasn't liking where this was going. "I live outside vaniville town, on route 1, there's a small cottage." He replied, "why, you live in the forest?" She asked, "yeah, actually it's kind of a hiding spot." He said, mom looked at him confused. "Why is that?" "Well, it's a long sad story and I don't really wanna talk about it." He said with a sigh.

"Oh sorry about that. Let's leave this topic… uhh how about you tell me about your family, do you have any brothers or sisters?" Ash looked up at her for a brief moment then looked down again. I was now very nervous of what was coming. "No, it's just me." He replied, "well that's a bummer. Having a sibling is fun. Serena is a lone child too. But on the bright side, you get all of your parent's love. Right Serena?" She asked looking at me. I just replied with an awkward smile.

"What do you say Ash?" She asked turning to him. "I don't know… I never experienced it." He said, his voice was somewhat dull. "What do you mean? Don't they love you?"

"No, I'm sure they love me a lot. Its just...
I lost them when was young."

To be continued...

Ahhh! I finally updated it. Sorry I was so busy these days I just couldn't get it to work. My apologies for the delay.

I hope you liked the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.
Good bye!

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