Chapter 14

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Dedicated to Turtwig19

[Serena's POV]

I reached Ash's house at 6, I noticed it was locked, so I took the liberty to get in. After I got in I dumped my bag on the couch and did some planning for the finalization of our presentation.

He still wasn't him so I decided to prepare some snacks. I plodded down to the kitchen and searched the cabinets. I found some raw pasta, some spices and sauce and a few veggies... so, the final decision was red sauce pasta with a tinch of spiciness.

As I was almost at the point of getting it ready, my vision went black. Someone had sneaked up on me and closed my eyes with their hands. Instinctively, I gave a shriek and jumped back.

The other person must also be startled because he also gave a loud yell and backed off. I quickly paced forward and picked up the knife on the counter and turned around quickly, holding the knife up towards my attacker.

Although when I recognized the person behind the act, I gave a heavy sigh. "It's you!?" I enquire surprised, but the raven haired boy kept looking at me amusingly. "You scared the hell out of me! God!" I let out my shock on him but he just laughed.

I was getting annoyed so I put the knife back on the counter and moved forward to hit him. Just as I was about to hit him he caught my hand with his and pinned it on the counter. "You idiot jerk, I won't let you go for your mischievousness!" I yelled and used my outer hand to hit him but again it was pinned onto the counter, he then held both of my hands under one of his. Are my hands that small?

I looked at him with an annoyed expression, but he was very amused. I growled at him, "first of all let me put off the stove. Don't want my food to get burnt..." he said then he reached out his other hand and turned the knob. At least my pasta was safe now.

"And now to deal with the intruder..." he said in a funny voice which made me laugh. "What are you gonna do about me?" I asked him with a giggle. He tapped his chin as he thought. "Hmm... let's see..." suddenly his expression changed, more to a seductive. Then his face started to change, his hair grew longer till his shoulders, his eyes turned grey, he had a sinister smile on his face. The person in front of me now was calem. Fear crept through my veins as I watched him get closer to me. I wanted to move back but he held my hands tightly.

I was now feeling weak due to fear. He placed his cold hands on my cheek and traced it down to my neck. "So tell me serena... how'd you like to be tied up and tortured?" He asked in a devious tone, I tried to deny him but my voice didn't come out. I was completely paralyzed.

Tears had now started to flow through my eyes. I wanted to run away and call for help, but I was trapped in fear. Suddenly calem brought out a rope from the cupboard near us. I shook my head telling him not to do anything to me. But he used it and tied my hands to the countertop. He then moved behind me and stroked my back.

Suddenly I woke up with a jerk, breathing heavily. I looked around, I was on the couch in the living room. I took a deep breath and relaxed, "it was a nightmare..." I touched my cheeks, they were wet, that was a horrific nightmare. I slowly gathered some breaths then got up to drink some water.

I walked to the kitchen and helped myself with glass full of cold water, it calmed me down much more. I placed the glass on the counter and stood there for a few moments.

Suddenly, a hand came on my shoulder. I quick cold pulse surged through my body and I jumped ahead with a loud shriek. I was so scared by the nightmare that even after seeing it was Ash, I couldn't hold it and started crying.

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