The summer we met: Standing up for a stranger

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"Leave him alone. Both of you," I said.

The words had come out of my mouth before they even fully registered in my mind. Seeing someone being bullied had always been one of the few things that set me off. That was why instead of just sitting there and observing Jasper and Mike bullying James like the other campers, I went and grabbed James' menu from them without a second thought.

I couldn't help but notice Jasper looked especially handsome with his curly blonde locks falling over his piercing green eyes, cutting his intense glare off midway. But at that moment, I didn't care about his dashing good looks. All I cared about was what he was doing to James.

Jasper let out a mocking laugh,

"Or what, Harlee? You gonna fight me or something?"

"Don't think I wouldn't," I snapped back immediately. "I'll put you in your place, Jasper; I'm not afraid of you at all."

Jasper seemed to take this as a challenge and inched towards me.

"And I'm not afraid of you either," he said. "First of all, you're a girl, second, you're a short girl, and third." He snatched the menu back from me before finishing his sentence with, "You're just not quick enough for me."

Mike snickered and gave him a low high-five.

Darn. They were quick; I'll admit it. Not to mention people James' and my size against the two of theirs was a joke in itself. No wonder Mike was laughing. I felt my confidence wavering but refused to give up that easily.

"Why do you find it funny to hurt other people? He hasn't done anything to you. He's just trying to have his lunch," I said to them, once again coming to the defense of a boy I hardly knew and didn't at all know me. A boy who was currently ducking his head underneath the table depriving me of the support from him I so desperately needed.

I mean, hello, I'm standing up for you?

It wouldn't hurt you to stand up for yourself.

I wanted to say this, but I knew it would only give them more ammunition to use against James.

As if he could read my mind, right then Jasper said to him,

"James, your little girlfriend here doesn't like how we're always picking on you. What have you got to say about that?"

Mike continued snickering. I ignored the "girlfriend" comment and glanced over at James. He was still hiding from us, and I wondered if he was going to say anything back at all.

"Please leave me alone," his timid voice spoke from beneath the table. My heart melted from sympathy. He sounded so afraid. Poor kid just wanted to eat his lunch in peace.

I realized that this was the first time I'd ever actually heard James speak. His voice was softer than I thought it would be and a little sad. Hearing the pain in his tone made me even angrier at Mike and Jasper.

I quickly used the moment of distraction to my advantage. I stood on my tippy toes and tore the menu from Jasper's hand once and for all.

Jasper turned back to me. Shock and humiliation set over his face when he realized what had just happened.

Mike's snickers ceased.

James' eyes peeked over the table.

I shoved the menu down the front of my shirt and folded my arms.

"Wrong Jasper; you're not quick or witty enough for me," I said.

Jasper's face turned to stone. Meanwhile, mine beamed with pride and victory. We both knew he had lost this one, and at this point, there was nothing else he could do about it.

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