Chapter thirty-seven: Ready or not

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Harlee had lost it.

She had just climbed out of her bedroom window using a bedsheet as her rope in the middle of the night.

And I had lost it too, apparently.

Because I was following her and climbing out of my own window the exact same way.

It was the final night of our week together.

She had called me saying we needed "one more adventure."

What exactly spurred this impulse? I didn't know.

But I hadn't expected her to take me seriously when I joked about us sneaking out of the house.

Knowing Harlee, I probably should have kept that comment to myself.

Because she had taken me seriously.

Before I knew it, she was climbing out of the window despite my protests. She said she was going to the Dairy Jester for some ice cream, whether I came or not.

But as her best friend, I knew I couldn't let her go alone. It was much too dangerous for her to leave the house by herself at this time of night anyway. So I changed out of my pajamas into a t-shirt and jeans, grabbed some money to pay for our ice cream, then climbed out of my window after her.

The height from my bedroom to the ground felt terrifying as I carefully inched down the bedsheet I'd tied to my bedpost. My leg slipped and nearly caused me to fall, but I was able to catch myself and land on my feet.

I walked over to Harlee and tried once again to convince her this was a bad idea but to no avail. She seemed like she really wanted to go but also didn't want to pressure me.

We've already climbed out our windows, anyway, I thought to myself while trying to decide. Might as well go ahead and have some fun.

After a minute of debating with myself, I told her I'd come; then we hurried to get our bicycles. Mine was sitting on my porch, but Harlee had to open her garage to retrieve her bike from it. Her parents must have been some very heavy sleepers because they didn't hear a thing.

We started toward the Dairy Jester, an ebullient Harlee leading the way.

I was quiet most of the ride because inwardly I was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Fear, because sneaking out was risky.

But fearlessness, because we'd successfully made it this far without getting caught.

Sadness, because I still hadn't gone through with my confession to Harlee, and the week was over.

But happiness, because she was so excited.

Her porcelain smile was sparkling the entire ride there.

She was so blissfully unaware, and it was bittersweet.

In that moment, the person that made me the happiest was on top of the world.

And that made me feel like I was too.

When we arrived, the place was empty, as to be expected.

But our regular ice cream server, Leslie, was there. And she was elated to see us show up together. It was the first time we'd come in here together in over a month after all.

"You two are one of my favorite couples to serve," Leslie said after she'd led us to our booth.

Did she just call us a couple? I thought to myself.

The summer we turned thirteen (Published)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant