The summer we met: Buddy

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Jasper and I were at a standstill.

Underneath the pier we were standing on, the lake was calmly splashing against it as drops of rain poured into it. It was about nine-thirty p.m., and the only light available to us was that which shone from the crescent moon. I had been wrong about Jasper and Mike leaving me alone. I was too naive to realize that when a bully doesn't mess with you in one situation, it is because they're letting you off the hook, knowing they're going to do something even worse the next time.

It was a week after the canoeing incident with Judy, but that was actually what this was all about. When I had gotten out of my canoe, I hadn't realized how many people had overheard Judy yelling at me for my lack of participation skills due to my aquaphobia. I'd been so focused on getting out of the water that I didn't pay much attention to the fact Jasper and Mike had overheard what happened. But they had. And they used their newfound knowledge of this as yet another way to torment me.

Today, they had ransacked my dresser. They took all of my clothes and spread them about Fairington then gathered a bunch of students to give them front-row seats to watch my turmoil. It had been hours, and I was still finding my clothes in the most random of places.

Their next idea to hurt me was a spur-of-the-moment one, but evil nonetheless. I had absentmindedly taken my sleeping stuffed animal named Buddy out from under my pillow before Jasper and Mike had gone to sleep. When they spotted him, they start making jokes about how only girls slept with stuffed animals. I told them that was sexist, and they told me I was a wimp. Evan was predictably quiet during all this, but when they snatched Buddy from me, he almost seemed like he was going to say something.


For a few minutes, Jasper and Mike threw my toy around the room in a game of catch using the taunt that if I could catch him, I could have him back. Eventually, they grew bored with this and decided to do something much worse. Before I knew it, Jasper and Mike had dashed outside with Buddy, and now they were dangling him over the lake. They told me since I was so afraid of the water, this would be the perfect opportunity to teach me how to swim.

Technically, I knew how to swim, but my aquaphobia hindered me from improving much at the skill. Swimming in a pool for the lessons I took was scary enough, so all bets were off for anything larger.

I was terrified.

I didn't want to lose Buddy, but I didn't want to drown either. I continued to beg and plead, hoping they'd give him back.

"Please don't throw him in the water. I need him; he's my favorite toy," I begged miserably.

Mike mimicked my voice by raising his an octave saying,

"Please, give me my toy back, Jasper. It's my favorite dolly."

Jasper threw his head back in laughter.

I felt my blood boiling and tried to maintain my fury.

I knew getting angry at them would only make matters much worse.

As I tried to calm myself, Jasper took things up a notch and raised Buddy right above the lake, throwing him in the air for a moment, then swiftly catching him.

"NO! DON'T!" I yelled deafeningly, fearing he was actually going to let Buddy fall. Mike covered his ears, and Jasper shoved me for being so loud. The push almost knocked me off the pier, but I was able to steady myself before that could happen.

"Shut up, idiot. You're gonna get us all caught," he commanded.

"I hope you get caught!" I shouted back.

"No, you don't," Jasper smirked. "'Cause if we do, then you're definitely never gonna see this guy again."

"Jasper, come on-" I started again.

"Shut up!" he yelled once more.

Then he acted like he was stroking an imaginary beard and seemed to be debating with himself. "Now I hate to do this, James, I really do, but it seems like the only option I have. It's the only way you're gonna learn to face your fears." He shrugged.

"Jasper," I said, my voice breaking.

"Count down from three, Mike," he ordered definitely.

"Jasper, please," I begged again.

"Three," Mike started.

"Jasper!" I repeated louder.

"Two," Mike went on.

"Jasper, please!" I stomped my foot at them.

He looked at me for a moment as Mike got down to one. His green eyes narrowed at me. For a mere second, though, I thought I actually saw a shred of humanity in him like he wasn't sure if he should go through with it.

Then he held Buddy out in front of me, much to Mike's surprise and mine.

But just as I reached for the toy, Jasper pulled it away.

"Say bon voyage," he said coolly. Then, he pulled his arm back to give himself momentum and tossed Buddy into the lake.

I was shouting the entire time as I watched my beloved stuffed animal disappear into the murky water. I ran my hands through my hair, not caring that they would see me cry. They had already seen it all concerning my weaknesses; there was nothing else that gave them leverage over me.

"It's too bad you're so afraid of the water, James!" Mike laughed menacingly as they made their way back to our cabin.

My legs were shaking from the cool night air. So I gave in to them and sank to my knees right there on the pier. I looked down into the water. The tears that rolled from my cheeks splashed into it alongside the drops of the rain.

I felt defeated.

Buddy was gone, and I'd never see him again.

By the time I could ask anyone to help me get him out of the lake, he'd have floated away.

There was no salvation for him now.

I tried to summon my imaginary friends for some comfort, but I knew deep down I'd find no real peace from crying to them.

They weren't real.

Therefore, they weren't really my friends.

I didn't have any of those, and at this rate, I never would.

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