Chapter twenty-three: Cupcakes for the crush

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After I calmed Farrah down, I headed for home.

She was meeting Amy downtown, and later, Hyland would be joining them as well. They were going shopping because Farrah ended up deciding she hated all of the outfits she'd shown me and wanted something new. She had invited me along, but I opted out. I didn't have the mental energy for the endeavor after the news about James and Hyland.

And with the mood I was in, just the sight of Amy Tristan might result in a catfight or something.

I strolled down the sidewalk towards my house and noticed someone sitting on my porch. My first hope was that it was James wanting to hang out earlier than we'd planned. My feet picked up the pace and hurried through the yard.

I felt disappointed when I saw that my visitor was Rachel instead. Then I felt bad for feeling disappointed and scolded myself for it.

Rachel waved to me eagerly, and I attempted to wave back.

But for some reason, I felt like I had betrayed her by having spent the morning at Farrah's. At the same time, I felt disloyal to Farrah for being friends with Rachel. I silenced the guilty thoughts running through my mind and went to greet her.

It wasn't like Farrah or Rachel had asked me not to hang out with the other. Hopefully, that would never be the case; otherwise, I didn't know what I'd do.

Rachel greeted me back, and I noticed she was wearing a familiar dress. It took me a second to realize it was the one I'd bought for her at the mall the week before.

"How does it look?" She twirled around.

"I wanted to show you how nicely it fits because I want to wear it to Evan's party. What do you think he'll think of it, Harlee?" Her eyes gleamed when she mentioned his name, and I sensed that meant something.

Something like my suspicions about Evan's feelings for her may very well be reciprocated.

"Uh-oh." I raised my eyebrows and started circling her like I knew something she didn't.

"'Uh-oh,' what?" Rachel asked warily.

"Dressing up? Gleaming eyes? Getting nervous? It seems to me like Evan isn't the only one crushing here," I said, smirking.

I was only teasing her, but I knew I was probably right.

Rachel didn't seem offended, just in denial.

"No clue what you're talking about." She shook her head at me.

"I just's his birthday party, and...he probably wants his guests to look nice."

"Defensive and in denial," I teased.

Rachel playfully rolled her eyes.

"Oh, whatever, Harlee."

"You know I'm right," I grinned.

Rachel giggled at that.

"Anyway," she said. "I am going to go change out of this dress, though. I have some extra clothes in my bag here." She nodded her head towards the knapsack in her hand.

"Why do you have to change?" I asked.

Rachel's eyes flitted towards the ground.

"Promise you won't laugh at me."

"Uhh, promise?" I said, confused.

"I had kind of wanted to know if we could bake something here for me to bring to Evan's birthday party. I'm not much of a chef, but I still want to. It's embarrassing, I know, but-"

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