【02】Andy With the Good Scripts

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I stared at the man standing by the door, my brain malfunctioning so hard I couldn't even think of closing my half-opened mouth

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I stared at the man standing by the door, my brain malfunctioning so hard I couldn't even think of closing my half-opened mouth.

That was him. The elevator guy! He was right there, still dashing, and tall, and sexy. He didn't notice me right away, as I was standing to the side, and I used this opportunity to admire his features, having the proper distance to do so now.

His face must have been carved by the gods themselves, because there was no way two humans had conceived this level of perfection. He had a sharp jaw, covered with a three-day old stubble. His short dark hair was a little messy, as if he'd only taken the time to run his fingers through it this morning. The thick lines of his eyebrows were resting under a flat forehead, and underneath them, two narrow eyes. Between those, a straight, perfectly balanced nose, and a pair of lavish lips, a shade darker than his skin, with a touch of pink.

He had a pair of reading glasses tucked into the collar of his shirt now, and I somehow craved to see him with those on. The man already had something very smart about him, but with those on, he must have looked like a nerdy genius.

His sharp gaze quickly scanned the room, and it eventually reached me. I nearly averted mine, embarrassed to have been caught staring. Thank God I wasn't drooling, but it had been a close call. My presence disturbed him for a second, his brows frowned over his inquisitive eyes. He apparently dismissed whatever questions he might have and returned his attention to the guys.

"Oliver, you told me Andy has arrived?"

Oh, wow. Oh, shit. This was the boss. He was the boss. The guy I'd been lusting after for several minutes in the elevator was my new boss. What a fucking way to start a new job: create fantasies of your superior as soon as you meet him. With my luck, though, it figured.

Dakota smiled, visibly entertained by this whole gender confusion. "Yes, she has," she answered the man with playfulness.

He frowned, processing her words, and something lit up in his eyes as he finally understood. His piercing gaze met mine when he looked back in my direction. Oh boy...

He examined my face and outfit, seeing me in an entirely new light. Under his authoritative stare, I regretted hiding my gender from them. I now realized I might actually piss off some people with this.

Coding was a man's world. The whole world was actually, but app and software development was even more so. When I'd first seen the opportunity for this job, I'd wanted the odds to ever be in my favor, letting this whole gender question be undefined.

Kelex had decided to choose their new employee with a series of online tests, the tasks so arduous it had been nearly impossible to complete. They were very demanding, which they could be, given their position.

Now that they had seen me, they couldn't fire me for the sole reason that half of me wasn't Y chromosomes. Not without risking the motherload of all lawsuits.

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