【60】Everybody Loves Pi

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In under two minutes, I was exiting the elevator, having reached my floor

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In under two minutes, I was exiting the elevator, having reached my floor. Further down the hallway, I spotted Lex waiting by my door.

Downstairs, I had pretended I needed to get a jacket. When Oliver had kindly offered me his, I had refused politely. He had then offered to walk with me, but I had insisted against it.

My eyes fixed on the gorgeous man before me, I fished my key card out of my bag as I reached my door. Lex's gray gaze was on me as I passed by him, intense and wanting. With my hand slightly trembling, I slid my card into the slot. I barely had the time to turn the handle and his palm was on the small of my back, urging me to get inside.

We hurriedly entered the room while he closed the door behind us. As soon as I turned around, he plastered me against the panel, his hands on my hips. He bent to take my lips, but I stopped him, putting my fingers over his tempting mouth. My lipstick was particularly tenacious, and I didn't want us to get back downstairs with reddened mouth areas.

Before I could even explain my refusal, he caught my drift, his eyes lowering on my red mouth. He opted for my throat instead, and hungrily bent to taste the soft skin there.

When he slid his hands down to my ass, pressing me hard against his swollen length, I let out a loud moan, finally free to voice my needs. His mouth was devouring my neck, his fingers digging into my soft flesh. I melted in his arms, as always, exquisite shivers ravaging my body. He seemed to be ready to make this last, his tongue lazily following the outlines of my ear. As much as I was enjoying it, we didn't have time for all this.

Determined to be as quick as possible and not raise any questions, I grabbed his belt and managed to undo it with feverish moves. Understanding my urgency, he lifted the skirt of my dress, making it bunch at my waist, and, hooking his thumbs on the sides of my lacy thong, he pulled my panties down my legs. I opened the button and zipper of his pants, then boldly sent my hand in his underwear, eagerly palming the rock-hard flesh. It was so thick, warm, and smooth... I moaned with envy, desirous to feel his shaft inside of me.

Because I desperately wanted to kiss him but couldn't, I voraciously settled my tongue in the hollow spot at the base of his throat. With one lascivious motion, I dragged it up the firm surface of his skin, passing over his Adam's apple, which bobbed uncontrollably, only stopping when I reached his chin. His stubble tickled the surface of my tongue, and I adored the novelty of this sensation. The taste of him was intoxicating, a little salty and earthy, and it worked like the most potent of aphrodisiacs on me. When I met his eyes, I saw the conflict in them, as he considered once more if it was worth it to claim my lips.

Reasonably, he settled to my throat again, where he nibbled the sensitive flesh. When I pushed my hips forward, pressing myself harder on his erection, he groaned, sending low vibrations under the thin skin of my neck, and pulled away.

He took out a condom from his wallet before pushing his pants lower on his hips. While he sheathed himself with the protection, I took care of removing my underwear completely, having some difficulties getting it to pass my shoes. I was just done when Lex pressed himself against me.

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