【70】Back to Reality

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♫ Oh! There goes gravity! ♫

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Oh! There goes gravity!

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Monday morning, on the bus on my way to work with Tamika, I received a text from Lex, saying my computer was now back in the dev area.

This change, although we'd agreed on it, was conflicting. I had been working with Lex for over a month now, and it would be strange to work away from him. But it was, without a doubt, the best thing to do right now. We couldn't risk being alone in the same room all day long, where anyone could get in at any point. I didn't trust us to remain professional at all times.

When I arrived at work, it was strange to take the path of the Troll's Lair rather than Lex's office. My melancholy was brushed aside as soon as I entered the room.

The guys were all here, and upon seeing me, Mason launched himself into Eminem's famous song. "Guess who's back?" They looked around, fainting cluelessness. "Back again," Mace continued, before pointing at me. "Andy's back! Tell a friend."

"Andy's back," the others told each other.

It was so corny and adorable of them, I burst out laughing. "I can't believe you just did that," I let out between giggles.

"It's nice to have you with us again," Oliver welcomed me. The others nodded in approval.

"It's nice to be back. I've missed you guys. It was interesting working with Lex like that, but it's not the same."

"Tell me about it. I can't imagine working so close to the boss for so long," Steven pointed out. "I'm feeling anxious just thinking about it."

"Especially our boss. I think he'd fire me after three days. I know how annoying I can be," Brian concurred.

I shrugged my shoulders since I wasn't sure what I should say. I had been stressed about working up there, and I had wanted to come back down here for most of it, but things had changed recently. It had been incredibly helpful for the app's development, and it had led to a very interesting turn of events. "He was actually pretty chill," I explained. "We barely communicated, but it was great to see the genius in action for a while."

They nodded, understanding my point, and I moved to my desk. I quickly got used to working here again. The view wasn't as distracting as what I'd had for the past weeks, and I had more room around me to spread my things. There were matters that I still needed to sort out with Lex, though, and we communicated a lot via the Kelex chat. It wasn't monitored in real-time, but the conversations were saved up somewhere, so we kept it allusion-free and professional.

It was nice to be working with the dream team again. I enjoyed the helping spirit, the jokes, the conversations... I truly had missed them. When noon came, we moved to the break room for our lunch. I had a chicken curry with rice I'd cooked with Tamika the day before. When I came back with my heated Indian deliciousness, the guys were talking with great enthusiasm.

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