【86】The Wise Father

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Upon leaving, I hugged Kate for the longest time

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Upon leaving, I hugged Kate for the longest time. Once more, she told me how grateful she was, reminding me for the tenth time to give Oli the biggest hug I could muster on her behalf. I insisted it was nothing she wouldn't have done for me, and we both knew it was the truth.

Back at the house, Ty and I found our mom and abuela playing a game of scrabble on the dinner table.

"How is Kate doing?" our mother asked, her eyes still fixed on the letters in front of her.

"She's doing so much better now," I explained, while Tyler nodded.

He quickly left for the kitchen, to put down the numerous boxes of pastries he was holding. I went to look at the scrabble board, then at the letters they both had. They had pulled out the Spanish version, so I knew my mom had absolutely no chance of winning this one. My abuela already had her word ready for when it would be her turn, which would earn her some big points, while my mom was struggling to find the best possible combination.

I looked at her letters for a moment, my brain trying everything I could think of, while keeping in mind the ones already on the board. After a few seconds, I found one that could work. It wouldn't save my mom from the inevitable defeat awaiting her, but it was something. I bent to her ear to whisper the word and where to place it, not even trying to be discrete. I barely said anything before MC protested.

"No cheating! You terrible child!"

"Sorry," I apologized with a shrug, a playful smile stretching my lips. "You're too good at this game. We need the combined power of two brains to even stand a chance."

MC smiled with pride, and I knew my words had sweetened the offense I'd just dared. Inconspicuously, I made my way around the table and as soon as my mom looked up, I quickly signed the letters to form the words I had in mind. My abuela caught this as well, and she sent me a colorful collection of threats. After she'd given me a wink, my mom arranged the letters in front of her, ready to play her turn.

"Your dad is out back, finally repairing the fence. We all know how it ends when he gives home improvement a try, so maybe you could check and see if he needs help?" she suggested, giving me an encouraging smile. I agreed without hesitating, looking forward to spending some quality time with him.

As I passed in the kitchen on my way to find him, I stopped to grab a few homemade cookies from a jar my mom always tried to keep well-filled, and some from the ones Kate and I had baked today. We'd share these with my dad, as his reward for his hard work, and mine for the potential help I'd give him.

I was just passing the door when my phone buzzed in my pocket. With my mouth filled with oatmeal and chocolate chip deliciousness, I checked it to see what the notification was. A small wave of what felt like more adrenaline went through me when I saw it was a text from Lex. "How did it go?" he was asking. We had barely talked today, and as pathetic as it may sound, I was missing him.

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