【90】Secrets, Secrets Hurt Someone

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I have absolutely no idea how many of you are reading the book, how many have reached this far, but I'd love to know! Please, comment something, anything, on this line, even if you've never commented or voted before. Just to let me know you exist <3

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Oliver's eyes moved back and forth between Lex and me, trying to comprehend what he'd just witnessed. Shock and stupor were rendering him speechless, his mouth slightly open in a silent accusation.

I'd pulled away from Lex instantly, stumbling back to set some distance, but it was too late. I remained unmoving as Lex slowly rose from the armchair. He stood next to me, ready to face whatever was coming. The traces of the intense kiss we'd exchanged were still on his face, and I was certain they were on mine as well.

When I finally mustered the courage to meet Oliver's gaze, shame, worry, and regret overwhelmed me. I could perceive the pain in his eyes, the heartbreak, and the betrayal. Fuck, why did this have to happen like this? Why did Oli have to find out about Lex and me like that, when I'd been so close to telling him?

I tried to find something to say, to explain, to make sense of this situation, but guilt paralyzed me.

Tonight, I would have told him. He would have been the first one to know, especially since things were getting serious with Lex. But I had wanted to do it on my own terms, at the right moment, and gently. Him finding out like this, as I was recklessly ravishing Lex in his office, was the worst possible way.

"Oli, I—" I started, the lump in my throat forcing me to stop.

Before I could come up with something to say, he stepped back into the hallway and closed the door behind him, leaving me alone with Lex.

I stared at the door, my breathing uneven as my lungs were gasping for air. Fuck... This was terrible. I'd wanted so badly to go easy on Oli, to make sure I wouldn't hurt him, to preserve his feelings... And now, this.

A rush of humiliation crept up my back, making me almost shiver from the undesirable feeling.

Oliver was in love with me. I never wanted to hurt him. He was so kind and sweet, and I was the heartless bitch who broke his heart.

When I looked up at Lex, he seemed as uncertain as I was about what to do. I could see he was sorry for me, to the point where it almost looked like remorse.

He hadn't done anything wrong. On the contrary, he'd even tried to reason with me and slowed my attempts at ravishing him. For once, he'd tried to be reasonable. I'd been the unstoppable wanton, the fucking idiot. Without him trying to keep me in line, Oli would have found us in an even more compromising position. Lex had preserved me from that.

"Andrea, I'm sorry. I didn't want this to—" He hesitated, struggling to find the words. He almost sounded guilty, and despite my distress, I noticed he was acting strangely. He kept his distance and avoided my gaze, uneasy.

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