【85】Kicking Ass

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The next day, after a copious breakfast at my parent's house, Kate and I went to her place

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The next day, after a copious breakfast at my parent's house, Kate and I went to her place. She didn't want to leave Mr. Fluffybutt for too long, and we both wanted some time alone together. We had just arrived when I received a text from Oli, telling me he was getting on with it.

When I had told Kate the situation was under control and explained what Oli would do, she had cried from the intense relief. Because I didn't want her to have any more reasons to worry, I'd told her how Oli was a good guy, and how he'd take care of everything. He had my entire trust in this matter. I'd seen first-hand what a decent person he was.

As we entered her house, Kate quickly went to hug and cuddle with her fat and hairy companion, covering him with kisses to atone for abandoning him last night. "What do you think I should do to thank Oli?" she asked, sitting cross-legged on the floor by the cat's basket.

"What do you mean? Like a blowjob?" I joked.

"You skank! No, I meant something like cookies or cupcakes, or anything."

"He kind of has a sweet tooth, so he might actually appreciate that a lot," I explained after giving it a quick thought.

"Okay, great. I think I have everything I need for cupcakes. Will you help me? It'll be like old times."

With her irresistible blue eyes, she begged me to agree. Truly, I couldn't refuse her anything when she looked at me like that. And anyhow, it would be a great way to keep ourselves distracted while Oli was taking care of everything. I gave in with a nod, and Kate quickly settled her pet back into his basket before standing up, as if mounted on springs.

Swiftly, she went to her kitchen, and I followed, very entertained by her sudden eagerness. When I came in, she was already taking out some things, her enthusiasm evident. "Oh God, I hope I remember how to do this," she said, heading to the sink to wash her hands.

"What do you mean? You're like, the queen of pastries."

Back in high school, Kate had been very involved in the various activities with the cheerleader squad she was in. They'd do philanthropic charity sales, or raise awareness for certain causes, or do fundraisings to buy new equipment... She used to spend hours in her parents' kitchen baking all sorts of cakes and cookies to sell for some good cause. Often, I'd been with her to help, even though I'd mostly end up licking the bowl or trying whatever she needed me to taste.

Kate grimaced and avoided my gaze, taking out some of the utensils we'd need. "I haven't baked in at least six months," she confessed.

"Oh, wow. Has work been that intense?"

"Actually, it was because of— No, you'll get mad at me."

"I promise I won't. Tell me, Kay."

"It was... Stefano. I gained a few pounds earlier this year because I was stress-baking. We had this huge case at work, and I needed sweet things to help soothe my nerves. And he noticed, and he told me I was getting fat so I should be careful."

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